
发布 2020-08-08 00:59:28 阅读 1649

unit 2 what’s the matter, mike ?

section b

let’s learn






unit 2 what’s the matter, mike ?

section b let’s learn


teaching arms :

1.能够听,说,读,写表情绪的单词:tired,angry, excited,happy, sad and bored .

2.能够听,说, 认读句子:“how does amy feel ? she’s tired .”并能进行关键词的替换操练。


teaching important points:

使学生熟练掌握五个四会单词,并能替换句型“how does he \ she feel ? he’s \ she’s …”

teaching difficult points:


teaching tools: 多**幻灯片,录音机。

step 1 :warm up

moring everyone ! how are you today?first ,let’s watch a chant .

2. show pictures and review the phrasses : h**e a cold ,h**e a fever ,h**e a headache ,h**e a toothache ,hurt and so on.

step 2: lead in

teacher says : today amy feels sick .she goes to the hospital .

医生怎样询问她的病情呢?let’s watch a vedio .then techer asks:

can you tell me amy is happy or sad ?the students answer .那么今天呢我们就来学习表达情绪的单词。

step 3 : show teaching aims

step4 :presentation

learning new words:

new words :excited ,happy ,bored ,tired ,angry ,sad.

after the teacher.

to the tape and read the words .

at the screen and read the words again .

the words for two minutes .

the words ( 出示单词卡片让学生快速抢答)

a vedio again .(让学生再次体会表情绪的单词,加深印象)

you want to be an actor ?(让学生表演学生猜)

learning sentences

我们学习了表情绪的单词,那么我们想问一个人的心情时应该怎么说呢?引入句子how do you feel ?how does she\he feel ?

the sentences ,then read after the teacher.

at the pictures and practicing the sentences

( 1) .t ask and ss answer.

(2 ).pair work .

(3 ).act it out.(让学生看着**进行对话表演)

step4: practicing

1..group of three ( ask and answer )

for example : a : how do you feel ?

b : i am ……

a: how does she \ he feel ?

b : she \ he is ……

“pair work” (p19)

step 6: sum up

step7: testing


o, r, d, x, e,c,t, t, h, p,a, n, a, y, r


am very___because i can play computer games.

___amy feel ?—she’s bored .

3.__your nose hurt ?

b. does c. does

4.__do you feel ? i am excited .

a. what b. how c. where





四 ·根据图示,进行恰当的描述。

板书设计:happy ,sad ,excited ,tired,angry ,bored

a: how do youfeel ?

b: i am ……

a: how does she \ he feel ?

b: she \ he is ……


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