
发布 2020-05-31 13:15:28 阅读 8760



教学目标:1. 帮助学生总结第一单元的单词,将单词分类,帮助学生掌握将单词分类的方法。

2. 带领学生总结第一单元的短语,并用每一个短语造句,让学生在理解短语的含义的基础上,能够进一步运用。

3. 带领学生总结第一单元的重点句式,包括课文**现的常用句型。


动词:are, look,hope,cry,laugh.

代词:we,i, you, they, he, she, it.

疑问词:why,where,when, what, who,how.

形容词:glad,sad,angry,happy, excited,surprised, tired, sleepy, great.

词组:1)glad to see you.见到你很高兴。

例句:glad to see you. glad to see you,too.

2) be back回来。

例句:my dog is back.

3)look sad 看起来伤心。

例句:you look sad today.

4)don’t be sad.不要伤心。

5)i’m sure.我确信。

例句:i‘m sure he will come back soon.

6)come back回来。

例句:i’m sure he will come back soon.

句型:1)nice to see you again. we are glad to see you, too.

2)why are you so happy? because we are back to school again. i like school.

3)why do you look so sad?because my dog is missing.

4)are you happy? yes. i’m very happy.

5)where did he go? he went to my grandpa’s house.

注意强调句型why are you so happy? because…和why do you look so …?because….的异同。

强调1) to + 动词原型。

2)be动词的用法: i am, he is, she is

3)don’t be… i’m sure…

4)一般将来时。例:he will come back soon.

5)are you happy? yes. i am very happy.

6)一般过去时。例:where did he go?he went to my grandpa’s house.

练习题:一. 同类词:

) b rectangle c. breakfast d. ********

( )fish b dog c. cat d. bag

( )mother c. teacher d. father

( )4. a. sunday c. sunny

( )brown b. hand c. mouth d. face

二. 选词填空。

ice happy is are because

1. why are you so excited today?

i h**e got an a in my english homework.

2. tomnot very happy, because his pet dog is missing.

3. veryto see you again, tom.

me, too.

三. 同类词:

) yellow b brown c. spring d. red

( )apple b big d. pear

( )fall c. cold d. summer

( )4. c. hot

( )b. car c. bike d. bus

四. 选词填空。

1. why are you so sadmy book is missing.

b. because

2. nicemeet you. nice to meet you

a. to/too b. to/to c. to/two

can’t find her f**orite __very angry.

a. is b. am c. are

4. there aremonth in a year.

a. ten b. twelve c. twelfth

glad to see you again,dick.

a. am b is c. are






动词:speak, hear, drink, call


宾格:them us me

副词:there, later

情态动词:may, can ,would

词组:1)speak to对。。。讲话。

例句:may i speak to yangyang?

2)would love to愿意 h**e a look看一看。

例句:do you want to h**e a look?yes, i’d love to.

3)call back回**。

例句:can you call back later?

4)at home.在家。

例句:she is not at home.

5)h**e a bad cold重感冒。

例句:i h**e a bad cold.

6)go to school 去上学。

例句:i can’t go to school tomorrow.

7)stay in bed呆在床上 drink a lot of water多喝水。

例句:you should stay in bed and drink a lot of water.

句型:1)may i speak to yangyang?it’s

2) do you want to h**e a look?yes. i’d love to.

3)is guoguo there?sorry, she is not home/here.

4)who’s speaking?it’s lingling.

5) is miss wang at home?this is wangping.

强调:1)一般将来时。例:i’m sure she will like them very much.

2)祈使句: please do…


1. excited surprised

2. rice noodle

3. october january

4. doctor player

5. eraser pencil

6. onefour

7. firstthird


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