
发布 2020-05-24 23:29:28 阅读 6142

teaching aims:

1.学习六种小动物的名称monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat,


2.能听懂指令act like a……并做出相应动作;


teaching key points and difficulties:

teaching key points:掌握let’s learn中六种小动物名称。

teaching difficulties: let’s do中的听指令做动作。

teaching preparations:

六种小动物头饰, word cards,photos, 动物玩具。

teaching procedures:

step 1:warm-up

1. greeting

2. sing a song: how are you

3. free talk t: how are you?

ss: fine, thank you. how are you?

t: very well, thanks.

step 2:presentation

my dear class, i h**e some new friends!now let’s h**e a look! who are they?

yes, they are animals. now, let’s go and meet them one by one.让我们一一去认识一下,教师就趁机一一出示学生们所熟悉的动物动画及单词。

1. 出示小猫的**介绍cat, cat, this is a cat! t 领读cat, 进行机械操练;

2. 出示小猴子的玩具介绍monkey,monkey,i h**e a monkey! t 领读cat, 进行机械操练;

3. 简笔画熊猫,介绍panda,panda,i like panda! t 领读cat, 进行机械操练;

4. 动作引出rabbit, duck, 模仿声音引出dog,并进行机械操练;

5.听音正音,listen and pay attention to the pronunciation. and repeat.

放录音,学生先听再跟读,读两遍后,t 拿起动物头饰走到学生中去领读如cat,cat,小猫—cat,教师分升降调领读,read together 学生齐读,然后叫学生一个一个来读,read one by one. 注意t是轻音。

step 3:practice

work:给小组分发**,小组成员练习单词duck, panda, monkey, rabbit, dog,并佩戴头饰作自我介绍,如duck,duck,i’m a duck.或 hello!

i’m a cat. nice to meet you!


this is a cat. ss:cat, cat,小猫—cat 。


将各组分为动物小组,每一小组代表一种动物,教师对各组发不同的口令,考验学生的反应速度,如:cat, cat, touch your face. dog, dog, touch your head.

monkey, monkey, show me your pencil. duck ,duck, open your book..等。

4.教师戴上小猫头饰边模仿小猫动作边走到一个学生面前与其打招呼,边模仿动物动作。进行两三个学生后,教师带领学生边做动作边教学生说指令:act like a cat/duck/panda/monkey/rabbit/dog.

师生互动,一起边说边做,适时夸奖说得好或模仿得像的学生。然后t:now, boys and girls.

stand up, please! let’s do! 放录音,全班起立随节奏边说边做,形成全班互动。

step 4:assessment

t: open your exercise book and turn to page 24. listen and number.


step 5:summary

ask one or two students to summarize what they h**e learned in this class.然后再次展示六种小动物动画,教育学生要爱护动物:look!

boys and girls. they are so lovely. we should love animals.


step 6:homework

用英语介绍身边的小动物给家长听,并仿照let’s do!做动作。


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