
发布 2020-05-24 22:54:28 阅读 5113

colorful tr**elling


一、 教学目标。

1. 能让学生听懂会说及熟练的掌握所复习词句。

2. 提高学生在复习课上的英语学习兴趣及综合运用语言的能力。

3. 培养学生乐于助人的品质。

二、 教学重点及难点。



三、 教学准备。


四、 情感目标。


五、 教学步骤。

step1 warming up

1. general greeting

2. free talk

跟学生之间的自由对话引出四个人物peter, lingling, tim and anne 和他们各自所去的地方)

t: hello! lily, nice to meet you!

what’s the weather like today? oh yes, so i want go outing, because i like shopping very much. what do you like doing?

(very well. our friends they also like tr**elling. please look, who are they?

and where they want to go? (changsha shanghai harbin hainan)

step2 presentation and drill

一. 复习第一个板块“weather”

t: as we all know, before tr**elling, we should think about the weather, so , can you guess what’s the weather like in these places?(ppt) (

1. (ppt) read the worlds quickly.

2. (ppt) listen to the “weather forecast” and make sure it.

3. (ppt)sing a song “ how is the weather”

二.复习第二个板块“traffic tools”

t: lucy, what’s the weather like in ningxiang? yes, so, i come to school on foot.

how do you go to school? (ppt) (

1.(ppt)read the worlds quickly

t: now, can you help them to choose the best traffic tools? finish the exercise

a. peter goes to __by___

b. lingling goes to __by___

c. tim goes to __by __

d. anne goes to __by __

三. 复习第三个板块“clothes and colors”

t: they arrived at destination smoothly, but, they find the different weather, so please help them to choose the most comfortable clothes, ok? please look at the videa(ppt)

a. what’s this? it’s a …

b. what color is it? it’s …

c. do you like this…? yes, i do. no, i don’t.

2. (ppt) read after the teacher.

t: if you are anne lingling peter or tim, which one do you choose?

one minute动手操作贴衣服)

3. 每组派学生上台贴好贴衣服并用简单的语言进行陈述说明。

4. english chant (ppt)

四. 复习第四个板块“fruit”

t: you are very kind, thanks for your helping. they are very happy.

**响起)(a dialogue with miss he)

1. guess “ what is my f**orite fruit?”

2. (ppt) what do you like? i like… why? because it’s very sweet.

3. (ppt) magic finger

step 3 practice

1. choose the cards and read them quickly.

2. make a situational dialogue.(ppt)

3. do some exercises.(ppt)

step 4 sum up

1. session

2. emotional aim (ppt) “it’s a wonderful life, we should love life”(ppt)


青岛市即墨区德馨小学三年级数学备课组 2018年12月。教学目标。知识目标 巩固图形的周长,能熟练计算多边形,长方形,正方形的周长,运用所学的知识解决简单的问题。能力目标 通过自主整理 小组交流等方式进行复习,培养学生认真审题,仔细检查的习惯。情感目标 培养学生整理知识的意识,提高学生学习兴趣,养成...


附件 喀什市xx学校电子教案模板。喀什市xx学校电子教案模板。2017 2018学年第二学期。课题授课时间。课时。复习课1课时。课型。复习课。1.蚕的一生是不断生长变化的,要经历蚕卵蚕蛹蚕蛾四。知识与技能。个不同形态的变化阶段。2.人和动物通过繁殖使其物种不会随着个体的衰老死亡而灭亡,并得以不断延续...


附件 喀什市xx学校电子教案模板。喀什市xx学校电子教案模板。2017 2018学年第二学期。课题授课时间。知识与技能。教学目标过程与方法。情感态度价值观。教学重点教学难点教学方法学习方法教具。课时。复习课1课时。课型。复习课。学生通过学习加深对课本知识的了解与掌握。让学生通过 交流等方法加深学习。...