
发布 2020-05-18 08:08:28 阅读 6707




1.—happy birthday!

a thank youb. okc. i’m fined. you’re right

2.—hello, may i speak to jenny, please?

a. i’m jenny. b.

who are you? c. this is jenny speaking.

d. that is jenny speaking.

i want to buy a pair of sports shoes.

a. what’s wrong b. how much is it c. what can i do for you d. what does it look like

i h**e a headache ,doctor.

a. how are you b. may i help you c. what’s the matter with you d. what about you

5. —yesterday i passed the final exam.

a. congratulations b. never mind c. that’s all right d. i’m sorry to hear that


a:excuse me, sir.6.__

b:certainly. go along this street.

turn left into xingfu street, and the museum is on your right.


b:it's about thirty minutes.

a:i see.8.__

b:yes, you can. a no.103 bus will take you there.


b:over there. look! the bus is coming.

a:thank you very much.




11. you’re __fat. don’t eatrich food.

a. much too; too much b. too much; much too c. much too; much too d. too much; too much

12. many young people enjoy __popular music.

a. listening to b. to listen c. listening d. listen to

13. jones like stamps. she hasa lot of stamps.

a. collected b. collectted c. collects d. collecting

14. he was unableat the age of fifteen in the river. it’s dangerous.

a. swim b. swam c. to swim d. swimming

15. he cutwith the knife.

a. oneself b. himself c. herself d. myself

16. the problem is so hard that i really don’t know

a. what is the answerb. what the answer is

c. that the answer isd. that is the answer

17. every yeartourists visit our city.

a. thousands b. a thousand of c. thousand of d. thousands of

18. my cousin likes to playbasketball and i like to play __guitar.

a. the, the b. thec. a, the d. \the

19. in canada, they h**e an autumn holidaythanksgiving.

a. to call b. callc. callingd. called

20. –must i live here now?

no, you

a. may not b. needn’t c. can’t d. mustn’t

21. tomas edison was famous __a great inventor .

a. in b. as c. of d. at

22. the music teacher show us howthe piano.

a. use b. using c. used d. to use

23. the elephant isthan the pig .

a. biger b. bigger c. biggest

24. september ismonth of the year.

a. ninth b. nine c. the nineth d. the ninth

25. the new iphone6 is __goodwe all want to buy it.

a. too; to b so.; that c. such; that d. enough; for

26. _tom __jim may go with you, because one of them must stay at school.

a. not only; but also b. neither; nor c. both; and d. either; or

27. let’s go shopping

a. shall we b. will you c. weren’t it d. isn’t it

28. we h**e finishedof work.

a. three quarters b. three quarter c. three four d. three fourth

29.—would you love to come to my house and h**e a cup of tea.

surea. i’m sorry. b. i’d love to. c. thank you. d. not at all.

30. danny didn’t go to cinema last night because she had to __her sick dog at home.

a. look at b. look up c. look after d. look for

三、完型填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10 分)


all over the world people enjoy sports. sports help people to keep 31 , happy and to live 32 .people play different games in winter and summer.

in 33 , people often go swimming. and in winter people often go skating. some sports are very 34 and people everywhere like them.

for example, football is very popular. in china, most people, men, 35 , boys and girls, like to watch football games. they often talk about them.

36 and jumping began long, long ago. but basketball and volleyball are rather 37 . people began to play them not long ago.

and people are 38 new sports or games all the time. water skiing is one of 39 . people 40 different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become friends.


经过半学期老师和同学们的努力,期中考试已经结束,我们对试卷进行了认真的分析,结果表明,我们九年级英语成绩不够理想。在本次期中测试中,我校九年级共有4个班,统计结果校平均分43 3,其中平均分最高的班级九 3 班46分,平均分最低班级九 1 班39 8分。最高分为九 1 班97分,90分以上的只有4个...


期中测试阅卷结束后,我们对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查,结果表明,在本次期中测试中,我校共有6教学个班,共257人,251人参加考试,总平均分为58.1。最高平均分为63.4,最低班平均分为53.3.期中学生最高分为99分,最低分为14分。二 试卷特点。试卷紧扣教学大纲的要求着重考察了学生的基础知识以...


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