
发布 2020-05-18 09:24:28 阅读 6389







)1. what will bill get for his birthday?

abc )2. how did lucy go to xi’an

abc )3. what is grace good at?

abc )4. what does the man like better when he is thirsty?

abc网] )5. whom should the woman ask for help?

abc )6. how often does bob do sports?

a. four or five times a week. b. four times a weekc. five times a week.

)7. why doesn’t the man want to eat fish?

a. because he has to le**e.

b. because the fish is not delicious.

c. because he is full.

) much time does jane spend on her hobbies now?

a. about two hoursb. about an hourc. about half an hour.

)9. what does the man mean?

a. they don’t know where the game will be.

b. he doesn’t like the game. he thinks the team won’t win at all.

c. the game is too cheap.

)10. where can this dialogue probably happen?

a. in the shopb. at the airportc. in the hotel.



)11. what is li ling?

a. a teacherb. a studentc. a worker.

)12. how does li ling spend his spare time?

a. playing computer games. b. helping othersc. h**ing lessons.


)13. how long will the film be shown?

a. for a weekb. for half a weekc. for a month

)14. how much will they pay for a ticket of 3d?

a. 100 yuanb. 150 yuanc. 200 yuan.

)15. when will they go to see the movie?

a. this monthb. tomorrowc. tonight.


)16. where did bob’s parents go that night?

a. they went to a supermarket. b. they went to see a friend.

c. they went to see a movie.

)17. when did bob smell anything bad?

a. just before his parents leftb. when he was reading a magazine.

c. when he was doing homework.

)18. what did bob first want to do when he smelt something bad?

a. to le**e the houseb. to call the firemen.

c. to call his parents.

)19. what did bob do after he called the firemen?

a. he ran out quickly.

b. he telephoned his parents.

c. he went to put away his things.

)20. how soon did the fire go out after the firemen came?

a. in a few secondsb. in ten minutesc. in half an hour.




)21. —lily is coming by __plane tomorrow.

let's go to __airport to meet her.

a. /the b. /ac. the; thed. a; a

)22. —how do you find your new classmates?

most of them are kind,but __is so good to me as bruce.

a. noneb. nothingc. everyoned. anyone

)23. it is really terrible __me to wait for a long time __a rainy


a. of; on b. of; atc. for; ond. for; at

)24. —is that man in a red coat mr. green?

it __be mr. green. he has gone to london.

a. mustb. mustn'tc. cand. can't

)25. this morning my mother asked me___

a. why he is not hereb. where judy went last weekend

c. what time is itd. how did my brother do it

)26. it’s reported thatof water in the worldpolluted.

a. two thirds; has beenb. two third; h**e been

c. second three; has beend. two thirds; h**e been

)27. it's a little cold,especially at night,__it's in may now.


察雅县中学九年级上学期期中英语测试卷。一 情景交际。一 情景对话 根据上下文所表达的意思,从a b c d四个选项中选出一个正确的答案。每小题1分,共计5分 1.happy birthday!a thank youb.okc.i m fined.you re right 2.hello,may i ...


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