
发布 2020-05-18 08:28:28 阅读 1516





从a、b、c和d 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并把答案填在括号中。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

) often studies english __chatting with her american friends.

a. in b. by c. for d. with

) i decided __lots of notes in every class.

a. ****** b. ****** up c. to make d. to make up

) boy __up late, but now he __up early.

a. used to get; is used to getting b. used to getting; gets

c. id used to getting; used to get d. is used to get; is getting

)4.--after working her way around the world, annie ended upenglish as a foreign language.

a. teach b. taughtc. teaching d. to teach

)5 .-we will h**e two family parties this autumn. one is at halloween and is at thanksgiving.

a. other b. the other c. another d. the others

)6.--my brother and i will go to the movies tonight.

let’s go together!

a. so i do b. so do i c. so will i d. so i will

)7.--does my question sound enough?

— i don’t think so. you can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”.

a. politely; politely b. politely; polite

c. polite; politelyd. polite; polite

)8.--can you spare time to come to our mid-autumn party?

— well, i don’t know

a. that i can finish my work by then b. if can i finish the work by then

c. whether i can finish the work by then d. that can i finish the work by then

)9.--the ring issilver.

a. made of b. made from c. made in d. made at

)10.--i saw lily __near the river on my way home.

a. plays b. playing c. to play d. played

)11.--i am going back to america for thanksgiving day.

and we will miss you.

a. enjoy yourselfb. you’re welcome

c. that’s interesting d. the same to you

)12. -was eric’s father very strict with him?

— yes. he never praised him he became one of the top students in his grade.

a. sinceb. when c. until d. because

)13.--i can’t find the book __i bought yesterday.

a. whereb. whenc. thatd. how

)14---this party is __great idea!

a. such a b. a suchc. so a d. a so

)15---pretty the dragon boat were!

a. how a b. .how c. what a


请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从a、b、c和d 四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项并填在括号中。

water is the most important of all the things we eat and (16)__not many people understand this, but it's quite (17)__the human body can go without (18)__for a long time, yet two or three days (19)__water can usually make people die. many people don't know how (20)__water the human body needs (21)__work well, and many people do not drink enough, (22)__in hot weather. our body is mostly water about 67%--75%.

23)__we don't h**e enough, we'll feel (24)__and many will get ill. so, you (25)__how important the water is to us all.

) 16. a. h**e b. drink c. take d. cook

) 17. a. wrong b. difficult c. easy d. true

) 18. a. food b. water c. drink d. air

) 19. a. in b. through c. with d. without

) 20. a. many b. much c. widely d. a bit

) 21. a. and b. its c. to d. or

) 22. a. even b. ever c. almost d. still

) 23. a. because b. if c. since d. for

) 24. a. worried b. angry c. tired d. afraid

) hear b. look c. guess d. know。

iii. 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)



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