
发布 2020-05-18 08:24:28 阅读 9634



一、 根据汉语提示,选择恰当的字母或字母组合,补全单词。(12分)

) 1. b_ _akf _ t(早餐) a. ri, as b. re, as

) 2. pr_ _cip_ l (校长) a. in, a b. en, a c. in, e

) 3. w_ _n _ day( 星期三 ) a. en, es is c. ed, es

) 4. sm _ t (聪明的) a. ou b.

) 5. f _ e _ h (新鲜的) a. r, t b. r, s c. l, s

) 6. m _ t _ n(羊肉) a. a, to b. u, to c. u, oo

二、 选出下列各组单词中不同类的一项。(10分)

) 1. a. strict b. active c. quiet d. very

) 2. a. sunday b. science c. friday d. tuesday

) 3. a. mrb. miss c. lady d. mrs

) 4. a. pork b. chicken c. bread d. beef

) 5. a. sound b. tasty c. h**e d. look

三、 从框中选择恰当的词填空。(18分)

)1. -what __you like for lunch?

i’d like rice and green beans.

) 2. mingming often plays basketball on __

)3is my new friend , tom.

)4colour is your coat?

)5is that boy? -he’s lily’s brother.

)6. the fish is tasty and

)7days are there in a week?

)8. i like fruitdon’t like grapes.

)9. he __from canada.

四、 选出划线部分的中文或英文表达。(10分)

) 1. my teacher is very active.


) 2. she’s our principal.

a.我们的校长 b.我们的老师 c.我们的组长。

) 3. can you 踢足球?

basketball games football

) 4. what’s 他的 teacher like?

) 5. he’s a university student.


五、 情景交际(15分)

) 1.当你想让朋友和你一起去公园时,应该说:

a. we are in the parkb. let's go to the park.

c. where is the park?

) 2.你想知道今天是星期几,应该怎样问:

a. what is todayb. what date is it today?

c. what day is it today?

) 3.--when is mother’s day

a. the second sunday is may. b. the third sunday is june.

c. the fourth thursday in november.

i often play ping-pong.

a. what would you like? b. how are you?

c. what do you do after class?

) 5. -i like some cakes. what about you

a. i’m okb. i like a hamberger.

c. i’m twelve.


) 1. who’s your chinese teachera. i’m 13.

) 2. what’s she likeb. yes, she is.

) 3. is miss smith very tallc. she is young and thin.

) 4. how old are youd. mr. chen.


1. what classes does sarah h**e on monday afternoon?

2. how many english classes in a week?

3. is social studies on thursdays?

4. when is the class meeting?

5. does she h**e self-study?


2014 2015学年度第一学期中期质量检测试卷。五年级英语。学校年级姓名。一 选出画线部分发音不同的一项。10分 b.meet c.feed d.healthy b.funny c.sorry d.family b.how c.now d.brown b.bed c.tea d.eat b.bab...


2012 2013学年第一学期五年级英语期中试卷 姓名班级。一 根据汉字及首字母写出相应的英语单词。每题3分 1 my english teacher is very k 和蔼的 2 what do h e on wednesdays?we h e chinese and m 数学 3 we h e...


小学英语五年级上册期中测试卷。学校姓名分数 一 词汇。1 请同学们看好 写出英语单词和词组。6分 2 选出下列各组中不同类的单词。4分 1.a.monday b.friday c.sunday d.day 2.a.missb.music c.mrd.mrs 3.a.fatb.tallc.bigd.b...