五年级英语 上 期中试卷

发布 2020-05-18 08:46:28 阅读 6497



) 1. bike rice2. cat apple

) 3. pen pear

) 5. look school

二、从下列各组中找出不是同一类的单词。( 5分)

) 1. a. lost b. meet c. found

) 2. a. juice b. football c. basketball d. skip

) 3. a. his b. mine c. them d. your

) 4. a. book b. bag c. window d. pencil

) 5. a. thirteen d. eighty

三、选出与汉语意思相符的单词。 (20分)

) 1. 完成 a. always b. anything c. finish

( )2. 冰激凌 a. ice cream b. box c. back

) 3. 奶酪 a. man b. women c. cheese

( )4. 果汁 a. do b. dear c . juice

) 5. 控制 a. bottle b. catch c . control

) 6. 穿 a. grandfather b. game c. wear

) 7. 轮子 a. hot dog b . hand c. wheel

) 8. 爱你的 a. line b. late c. love

) 9. 她的 a. her b. his c. its

) 10. 家 a. badly b. home c. best


1. let us (缩略形式2. go (过去式)__

3. did (原形4. drop (过去式)__

(副词6. you (形容词性物主代词。

7 . meet (过去式 (宾格)__

9. run (过去式10. take (过去式。

五、 英汉互译。 (20分)

1. hurry up6.上周。

2. the london eye7.在绳子上3. on the floor8. 分发。

4. half a kilo9.怎么啦。

5. at the weekend10.购物单。


)1. bread do you want ?

a. how many b. how much c. what

) 2.__you wash your shirtno, i didn’t.

a. are b. did c. do

) want two __of cheese.

a. kilo b. kilos c. half a kilo

( )of places last week.

a. visit b. visited c. visiting

) a teacher in the class.

a. are b. be c. is

) beijing yesterday.

a. go b. goes c. went

) many __do you want ?

a. oranges b. orange c. an orange

( )wash clothes yesterday.

a. didn’t b. doesn’t c. don’t

)9.__coat is this ?

a. who b. whose c. what

( )10. whose books are therethey are __

a. my mother’s b. my mother c. mr wang

七、 连词成句 (10分)

1. come back did yesterday you

are there crayons only

3. go home they by bike did

4. many you do want how

5. lots of visited places we


)how many books do you wanta. yes, i did.

)what are they doingb. i bought a book.

)did you play the piano yesterday? c. they are skipping.

)what did you do last weekend? d. three books.

)whose skirt is ite. amy’s

九。 阅读理解。(10分)

i am an english teacher. i h**e a brother. now he is seven years old.

he doesn’t like drawing or singing. but he likes watching football games very much. look!

he is watching a football game. my father likes watching football games,too. my mother likes music.


)1. i am a chinese teacher.

) brother likes watching cartoon(**).

)3. my father likes watching football games,( brother is writing a letter now.

( )mother likes music.


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