
发布 2020-05-18 08:45:28 阅读 9815




part one: listening( 55分 )

一. 听音,将听到的字母或单词的字母代号填入题前()内,念两遍。(10分)

)1. a. bbb. hhc. dd

)2. a. uub. vvc. yy

)3. a. ppb. rrc. ss

)4. a. penb. bookc. school

)5. a. thousand b. millionc. hundred

)6. a. tenb. elevenc. four

)7. a. chinab. america c. canada

)8. a. stampb. albumc. address

)9. a. prettyb. presentc. pleased

)10. a. singb. swimc. dance

二. 听音,将你听到的短语的字母代号填入题前括号内,念两遍。(10分)

)11. a. pen pal b. stamp album c. two thousand

)12. a. speak english b. send an email c. go swimming

)13. a. your name b. my namec. her name

)14. a. london b. new yorkc. beijing

)15. a. simonb. laurac. peter


) long is the great wall? old is it?

long is the desk?

)17. is a big chinatown. b. there were chinese people .

were lots of books.

) you watch you read books?

you go to america?

)19. you tell me about american festivals?

you tell me about christmas?

you write to her?

)20. from england. from america.



20分) ) i’m eleven years from china.

) ten thousand li long. two thousand years old.

) i es,i can.

) reading is a teacher.

) in in november.

) to meet you!

)27. afternoon!

) to meet do you do?

) these stamps are from china. from canada.

) need to drink some water. got a desk and a chair.


part two : writing(45分)

一. 单项选择,将正确答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(5分)

)1.--how long is the great wall

a. it’s one thousand kilometers long.

b. b. it’s five thousand kilometers long.

c. it’s more than two thousand years old.

2 .-what are you doing

a. i can speak need to sleep.

c. i’m speaking english.

)3.--can you tell __about chinese new year? -yes.

)4.--when is christmasit’s in

a. decemberb .february c. november

) is my new friend, peter.

peter: pleased to meet you.


a. i’m fine ,thank you. b. pleased to meet you, too.

c. my name’s carol.

二. 找出和**相匹配的节日,将其字母代号填入**下的括号内。(10分)

a. thanksgiving. b. christmas. c. spring festival.

d. dragon boat festival. e. lantern festival.

三. 找出和**相匹配的选项,将其字母代号填在正确的**下面。(10 分)

great wall ben

island five-finger mountains



) yorka.寄卡片。


学校班级姓名。装订线。六年级第一学期期中测试。得分 同学们,期中考试又到了,答题时可要认真仔细呀!听力部分 30 一 听录音,辨认单词 数字或短语,将序号填在题前的括号里。6 1.a.the great wall b.zooc.theme park 2.a.awayb.wayc.always 3.a...


2013 2014学年第一学期六年级英语科期中测试卷。听力部分 五大题共40分 一 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,把其字母编号填在提前的括号里。8分 1.a.b.c2.a.b.c.3.a.go to work b.go to school c.go home 4.a.fruitb.f...


渭州学校2014 2015学年度第一学期期中测试卷。六年级英语。命题 杨婧霞审题 马凤英。本试卷满分100分,需时100分钟 一 把下列单词补充完整。10分 1 t n s 2.h lf nic 4.l rn 5.m tt r 6.h lthy 7.w lk ting 9.ce 10.w st 二 ...