
发布 2020-05-18 08:41:28 阅读 9292


)2、i often do my homework at 5:30 in the afternoon.




marchb. mayc. august()2.

a. firstb. secondc.

third()3. a. whyb.

whatc. when

)4. a. plant fly kitesc. swim.()the roomb. clean the room

c. listen to music

)6. a. dec.

25th()7. a. fifthb.

fivec. twelve()8. a.

skateb. skic. swim.

()9 a. februaryb. septemberc.

november()10. picturesb. cook dinner

c. reading books


)1.a. football.()2.

a. oct.1st.

()3. a. oh, you’re welcome.

()i can plant trees.

it’s too because i can swim.

)5. a. amy’ sept.10th.三、听音并排序。(10分)

)1、my f**orite subject is english.

)3、mary’s birthday is in april.()4、i often go shopping on the weekend.()5、it’s snowy and cold in winter in harbin.


a.fourb.pianoc.seasond.twelve()1、there are __months in a year.()2、my f**orite __is winter.()3、there are __seasons in a year.

()4、i often play the __on the weekend.()5、i can __in summer.五、选择。


)1、i often___my homework __7:00 in the moring .a、do,inb、does ,atc、do , at() 2、__do youget up in the morning ?


) 3、what's the date today? it's november __


) 4birthday is in october?a. whob.

whosec. who's() 5、whichdo you like best?a.

seasonb. seasonsc. a season() 6is the ninth month of a septemberb.

augustc. october( )7、i like winter. i play withb.

play onc. playing in


) 8、winter is beautiful, but it's __cold __to...forb. too...forc. too...to

) 9、what are you doing?i __my mother an am sendingb. sendc.

sending()10、__do you like summer?because i can swim.

a. whichb. whatc. why


1、is ,your , when ,birthday (?

2、in , is , my , june ,birthday(.)

3、do ,when, get ,you,up(?)

4、which ,you ,season, like, best, do,(?

5、date, is , the , what,(?

七、在ⅱ栏中找到ⅰ栏中相应的答句,将序号填在括号内。(10分)()1、what’s the weather like in fall?a.

yes, i do.()2、do you usually go shoppingb. it’s monday.

()3、what day is it todayc. my birthday is in may .(4、let’s go to climb

)5、when is your birthdaye. it’s windy and cool.

八、阅读,判断句子意思与短文是否相符用“t”或“f”表示。(10分)计划)atrip(旅游)together(一起). zip is going to sunny australia(澳大利亚)!

it's so warm can swim all day. he has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜).

but zoom doesn't like swimming. he likes skating. so he is going to canada(加拿大).

it's winter there now. he can skate all day. he has winter coats(冬衣) andsome new ice skates(滑冰鞋).

) 1. seasons in australia and canada are the same(相同的).(2.

zoom and zip are going to canada.()3. zoom likes swimming.

) 4. zip has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.()5. it's warm in australia.


分)a.do you like winter?b.when is your birthday?c.what’s the weather like in fall?

d.what’s the date ?e.do you like fall?

mikechen:my birthday is in september .

mikechen: it’s september 11th.

mikechen: yes, my birthday is in fall .

mikechen: it’s windy and cool .

mikech en: yes , i like winter. but my f**orite season is summer.


中皖红地教育2012 2013学年第二学期。满分 100分时间 90分钟姓名得分 制卷 刘丹审卷 化淑娟。一 请选出不属于同一类的单词。每题1分,共5分 1.a january b.february c.juned.sunday 2.a second b.third c.twelfthd.nine ...


班级姓名分数 听力部分。请们注意 1.所有听力题都读两遍。2.请把选择题答案序号填入题前括号内。一 听录音,选单词。14分 a 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。5分 b.听录音,根据你所听到的内容为下列 排序,用数字标号 5分 c 听录音,选出你所听内容相符的 填在对应的括号内。4分 ab c d 二 ...


奥翔教育中心2013年寒假班。五年级英语下册期中考试题 满分100分 姓名成绩 听力部分 20分 一 听音,选择你听到的词或词组,将其代号填在括号里。5分 1 a.because b.bestc.birthday.2 a.climb mountains b.cook dinner c.clean t...