
发布 2020-05-18 08:47:28 阅读 3912





)1. a . january b. february c. juned. sunday

) 2. a . second . b. third c. twelfthd. nine

) 3. a. spring b. fallc. summerd. season

) 4. a. warm b. coolc. coldd. snow

) 5. day day day



反义词4. september (缩写形式。

5. go(三单反义词。

7. march(缩写形容词)

9. shop(现在分词10. leaf(复数。


1. i often do morning eon the weekend.

2. usually i e___breakfast at 7:30.

3. i cmountains on sunday

4. i can play the p___

5. i like going hon the weekend .

四.英汉互译我最棒 (每题1分,共10分)

1. h**e english class2. 植树。

3. next sunday4. 起床。

5. in the rain6. 吃晚餐。

7. make a snowman8. 读书。

9. f**ourite season10. 天气预报。


) 1season do you like?

a. who b. what c. which

) 2. thank you forme about your day

a. tellb. tells c. telling

) 3. i often football.

a. play the b. plays c. play

) 4. what do you do?

a. i’m a policeman b. i go to school from china

) 5. when __you do morning exercises?

a. areb. do c. does

) 6 .children’s day is on

a. july 1st b. june 1st c. narch 8th

) 7. this is __weekend timetable.

a. i b . my c. me

) 8. i like to play .dog.

a. andb. to c. with

) 9. it’si can wear my skirt .

a. fallb. spring c. summer

)10、wintermy f**ourite season .

a. am b. arec. is

)11. it’s very cold and windy in

a. july b. may c. january

) 12. there are __months in a season .

a. three b. third c. twelve

) a pen and two rulers on the desk.

a. am b. is c. are

) 14 when. is __birthday ?

a. ib. she c. her

) 15.--what are you

i am writing

a. doing c. to do


)1. do you like springa. yes, i do

)2. what day is it todayb. i like summer best

)3 .which season do you like best? c. yes, i can

)4. why do you like springd. tuesday

)5. can you make a sonwman . e. because i can fly kites

七.根据提供的句子,将对话补充完整,将 .e序号填到横线上。 (每题1分,共5分)

watching tv..

b. what is your cat doing?

c. he’s reading a news*****.

d. can i ask you some questions?

e. what is your mother doing?

jack: hello. this is jack

child: sure.

jack: what are you doing?


child: she’s cooking dinner.

jack: what is your father doing?


child: it’s watching the fish in the fishbowl.

jack: thank you.

child: you're welcome. bye.


1. can , in , the, i , river , swim (.

2. does, like, chen jie , season , which , best (

3. do, not , i , in , winter , hiking , go

4. i , plant ,can , trees , and , kites , fly (.


2010 2011学年度第二学期五年级英语期中试卷。2 i often do my homework at 5 30 in the afternoon.号考。线 订名姓装 级班 级年。题号一二三四五六七 十总分得分。听力部分。一 听录音内容,将录音提到的内容的字母填在括号里。15分 1 a.marc...


班级姓名分数 听力部分。请们注意 1.所有听力题都读两遍。2.请把选择题答案序号填入题前括号内。一 听录音,选单词。14分 a 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。5分 b.听录音,根据你所听到的内容为下列 排序,用数字标号 5分 c 听录音,选出你所听内容相符的 填在对应的括号内。4分 ab c d 二 ...


奥翔教育中心2013年寒假班。五年级英语下册期中考试题 满分100分 姓名成绩 听力部分 20分 一 听音,选择你听到的词或词组,将其代号填在括号里。5分 1 a.because b.bestc.birthday.2 a.climb mountains b.cook dinner c.clean t...