
发布 2020-05-18 08:48:28 阅读 5445







) 1. in which country did emma enjoy her holiday?

) 2. how does andy usually go to work?

abc ) 3. what does simon want to see?

abc ) 4. what sport does may like best?

abc ) 5. what is john’s telephone number?

a. 5066798b. 5066789c. 5067789.

) 6. where are they?

a. in the schoolb. in the shopc. in the street.

) 7. can the girl use the computer now?

a. yes, she canb. we don’t know. c. no, she can’t.

) 8. where will amy go before she goes home?

a. the drawing club. b. the libraryc. her friend’s home.

) 9. what will the weather be like in most of north china tomorrow?

a. warm and wet. b. cold and rainy. c. fine and cold.

) 10. who is the shortest of the three?

a. millieb. d**idc. tom.




) 11. where does the woman want to go?

a. the bus stationb. the supermarket. c. the post office.

) 12. which bus can take the woman there?

a. the no.7 busb. the no.1 busc. the no.6 bus.


) 13. how old is linda?

a. 23 years oldb. 24 years oldc. 28 years old.

) 14. how long does it take her from home to the hospital?

a. about 30 minutes by car

b. about 30 minutes by bus.

c. about 30 minutes by underground.

) 15. what does she think of her job?

a. boringb. busyc. helpful.



) 16. linda is __honest girl. she is good at playing __piano..

a. a, the b. anc. an , thed. a, /

) 17. _is another way of saying “fall”.

a. springb. summerc. autumnd. winter

) 18. nobody teaches __maths so she teaches

a. her, herb. herself, herself

c. herself, herd. her, herself

) 19. it’s timeanimal world. please turn on the tv now.

a. tob. inc. atd. for

) 20. –so many of you dislike the boy over there. why?

because he always talks __and does __

a. fewer, more b. less, more c. more, fewer d. more, less

) 21. how funny is it that this big man can’t ride __swim!

a. andb. butc. sod. or

) 22. –do you like volleyball or basketball?

i like basketball better. i think volleyball is __basketball.

a. more exciting thanb. less exciting than

c. as exciting asd. less excited than

) 23. –let’s keep the secret between you and me. don’t let the third one know.

no, ia. dob. willc. won’td. don’t

) 24. daniel has poor eyesight because ofcomputer work.

a. too many b. many tooc. too muchd. much too

) 25. the traffic in this street __very busy at this time yesterday.

a. areb. wasc. isd. were

) 26the class, mr wu told us not to play with matches.

a. at the beginningb. at the end of

c. at the endd. at the begin of

) 27. today i didn’t catch the early bus __i got up very late.

a. because of b. because c. sod. so that

) 28. _your support, i’m sure they can finish all the work on time.


2010 2011学年上学期八年级英语期中考试问卷。考试时间 100分钟,分数 100分 注意事项 1 本试题共有十大题 90 小题,试卷共2页。2 答卷必须用黑色或蓝色钢笔 中性笔 listening test part 20分 i.听力理解。共20分 a.听音选图。共五小题 每小题1分,计5分 ...


城冲中心学校2013 2014学年度第二学期。八年级英语期中考试答题卷。一 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,写出各单词的正确形式 每空1分,10分 1.linda had a sore throat she c a lot her mother asked her to take an x ray....


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