
发布 2020-08-16 06:46:28 阅读 8070




)1. bikemine

)2. noselong

)3. muchmuseum

)4. leftdesk

)5. handmake


) 1). classes begin __seven fifty -five .

a. inb. onc. atd. for

) 2). they often help

a. ib. mine c. my d. me

) 3). i want __a map of china .

a. buyb. is buying c. to buy d. am buying

) 4). is it a picture __your school ?

a. ofb. toc. and d. with

) 5). do you like

a. swim b. swimming c. are swimming d. swim, too

) 6). the man __a stick (手杖)is my grandpa .

a. andb. ofc. with d. for

) 7). who’s the lady __blue ?

a. inb. onc. atd. with

) 8). we usually stay __home __saturday afternoon .

a. at…in b. at…on c. in…at d. on…on

) 9). a: it’s a white shirt , is it yours ? b: no, _is yellow .

a. ib. myc. mine d. me

) 10any men in the room ?




him(主格)__who’s (完全形式black(反义词 )_

cup (近义词son(同音词)__


) can help is half past three.

) are you doing, )is the am reading a book.

) many cats are can not.

) do you want to


1 he does well in maths. (改为否定句)

2. mike runs as fast as ben. (改为一般疑问句)

3. i get up at six thirty every day. (用yesterday morning 替代every day)

4. jim is good at english and maths. (对画线部分提问)

5. ben runs fast. i run faster. (两句合并为一句)


) what do you want to drink?

) that is a hanburger and a cola.

) hello!what do you want to eat?

) here you are.

) much is it?

) i want a hanburger,please.

) thank you!enjoy your meal!

) i want a cola,please.

) it is sixteen yuan.


auncle lee is coming to h**e dinner with us. mum and i go shopping.

we don`t h**e any meat (肉). we need to buy some. it`s ten yuan a kilo before (以前).

but now two kilos are sixty yuan. i say, “mum, let`s buy some fish.” mum answers, “ok.

” fish is uncle lee`s f**orite food. we buy one kilo and a half. we also buy some vegetables and some chicken, but we don`t buy any hamburgers.

uncle lee doesn`t like them at all. mum also wants to buy me some apples. you know, i like apples very much.

but we can`t find any. we go home at a quarter to five in the afternoon.

) 16. how much is meat now?

a. ten yuan a kilob. fifteen yuan a kilo c. thirty yuan a kilo

) 17. what doesn`t mum buy?

a. meatb. chickenc. hamburgers

) 18. uncle lee`s f**orite food is

a. fishb. chickenc. noodles

) 19. the writer`s (作者的) f**orite fruit (水果) is

a. applesb. bananasc. oranges

) 20. what time do they go home?

a. at 5:15b. at 4:45c. at 5:45

bi am a schoolboy. i h**e lessons from monday to friday. on sunday morning, i usually get up very lat 0

i am a schoolboy. i h**e lessons from monday to friday. on sunday morning, i usually get up very late.

i wash my face and then go out to do morning exercises. it is about nine o'clock. after i eat my breakfast.

i often go to the park with my parents. the park is not far (远) from our home, so we go there by bike. it takes us about ten minutes to get there by bike.

there are many people in the park. they are men and women, old and young. parents must look after their children.

there is a big lake in the middle of the park. some children are swimming, some are boating with their parents. i like boating very much.

i want to boat, too. my parents buy three tickets. we h**e a good time there.

how happy we are!


学校姓名班级考号 密封线内不要答题。2011 2012年度第二学期期中试卷。pep版六年级英语 tip 亲爱的同学们,本套试题满分为120分,老师相信经过半学期的学习你一定收获满满,现在就来展示你自己吧。可千万要细心答题噢。一 判断下列单词画划部分读音是否相同,用 或 表示。10分 now2.coa...


2012 2013学年度第二学期六年级英语期中测试卷。一 选出画线部分字母或字母组合读音与其它三项不同的一项。5分 二 看图写短语。5分 三 将相对应的英 汉词语进行连线。5分 四 桉要求改写单词。10分 五 选择。20分 六 情景选择。10分 七 从右栏中找出左栏中的答语,并将其序号填在括号内。1...


本次英语试题依据课标,试题所考查知识 能力的深 广度适中。试题符合毕业班考试要求,具有导向性。试题原创度高 体现了新课程理念 考查知识点全面 重难点突出 重点题型 重点知识考查到位,重视语用能力的考查。35.根据答语考查三种时态的区别 一般现在时,一般过去时,现在进行时 38.在情景中用所学知识 4...