
发布 2020-08-16 06:45:28 阅读 3024






)we are going to h**e a basketball match.

)he looks sad, because he failed his math test.

)line up from younger to older.

)today was a windy day. i went fishing with my father.

)there is a football match between class 1 and class 2.


)1. a. it isn’t cold.

b. it’s cold.

c. it was sunny.

)2. a. i visited my uncle last monday.

b. i usually go to a park.

c. i did my homework.

)3. a. i’m 160 cm tall.

b. i’m 16 years old.

c. i’m older than you.

)4. a. i feel happy now.

b. i am angry.

c. i feel sick and i h**e a cold.

)5. a. yes, i didb. yes, i do.

c. yes, i am.


)1. sarah is sad, because she failed her chinese test.

)2. chen jie has a new comic book.

)3. chen jie doesn’t like reading books.

)4. zhang peng is going to shenzhen this weekend.

)5. amy and i are sick.



1. carry过去式2. take过去式)

3. h**e单数三人称形式) 4. he**y比较级)

5. taller反义词6. thin比较级)

7. tooth复数8. kilogram缩写)

9. know同音词10. swim现在分词)


)1. i played football __

a. next sundayb. nowc. last weekend

)2. we often listen __music at night.

a. tob. /不填) c. of

)3.—how are you, tom? you look __today.

i’m going on a big trip.

a. tiredb. angryc. excited

)4. did you help them __their room?

a. cleanb. cleans c. cleaned

)5.—what did you do last weekend?

i __tv.

a. sawb. watched c. looked at

)6.—_monkey is stronger?

the brown monkey is stronger.

a. whatb. whoc. which

)7.—her mother is ill in hospital.

a. what’s the matterb. i’m sorry to hear that.

c. i’m so happy.

)8. a sperm whale is __than a killer whale in its length(长度).

a. biggerb. longer c. taller

)9.—how big are your feet?

a. i wear size 17b. i’m 166 cm tall

c. i’m 12 years old

)10. my hands are bigger than __

a. youb. yourc. yours


1. sarah’s ruler is 20cm. amy’s ruler is 10cm. (合并成一句)

sarah’s ruler is 10 cmamy’s.

2. i played football this morning. (改为一般疑问句)

___youfootball this morning?

3. wu yifan visited his grandparents last saturday. (对画线部分提问)

whatwu yifanlast saturday?

4. i ate good food this afternoon. (改为否定句)

igood food this afternoon.

5. the elephant is two tons. (对画线部分提问)

is the elephant?


ahello, i’m peter. yesterday was sunday. i walked to my grandpa’s home.

it was his birthday. i bought many fruits and a big cake in the morning. my grandparents liked them very much.

my mother cooked lunch. we had a good time.


)1. what day was yesterday?

a. saturdayb. sundayc. friday.

)2. how did peter go to his grandparents’ home?

a. by carb. by busc. on foot.

)3. whose birthday was it?

a. his grandpa’sb. his grandma’sc. his father’s.

)4. who cooked lunch for them?

a. his grandmab. his motherc. peter.

)5. were they happy yesterday?

a. yes, they didb. no, they weren’t.

c. yes, they were.

bi am danny. there are four people in my family. my father, my mother, my sister and i.

last sunday was a fine day. my family went to zhongshan park by subway. we went hiking in the park.

at first, all of us were happy and excited. father is stronger than all of us, so he took many things in his bag. we played games, sang songs and danced in the park.

but suddenly(突然地) my sister fell down. her leg hurt. at last, she had to go to see the doctor.

we were sad in the end.


6. how many people are there in danny’s family?

7. what was the weather like last sunday?


2019 2020年六年级英语下册期中测试卷。班级姓名学号 一 单词大变身。写出下列单词的过去式。10分 二 看图,选择与 对应的短语。10分 1.a.washed clothesb.watched tv 2.a.had a coldb.drank water 3.a.read a bookb.di...


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