
发布 2020-08-11 12:41:28 阅读 6753





)1. a. washed clothesb. watched tv

)2. a. had a coldb. drank water

)3. a. read a bookb. did her homework

)4. a. stayed at homeb. saw a film

)5. a. cleaned my roomb. listened to music


)1. a. last weekend b. next weekendc. yesterday

)2. a. sleptb. wentc. feel

)3. a. goodb. betterc. faster

)4. a. shorterb. thinc. longer

)5. a. go fishingb. go boatingc. h**e a cold


)1. yao ming isthan most of us.

a. youngerb. tallc. taller

)2. i went to the park

a. every dayb. yesterdayc. tomorrow

)3. did tomtv last night?

a. watchb. watchesc. watched

)4. my ruler is longer than

a. sheb. herc. hers

)5. —howare you?

i’m 46 kilograms.

a. tallb. he**yc. old


1. which girl isthin), chen jie or sarah?

2. let’sgo) swimming.

3. theysee) a film last weekend.

4. tinanot h**e) breakfast yesterday morning.

5. westay) at home last saturday.


1. what did you do yesterday?

2. did you wash your clothes?

3. what do you usually do on weekend?

4. what size are your shoes?

5. how tall are you?


1. my brother read a book last sunday. (对画线部分提问)

your brotherlast sunday?

2. mike usually washes his clothes on sundays. (用yesterday改写句子)

mikehis clothes

3. the dinosaur is 4 tons. the elephant is 3 tons. (合并成一句话)

the dinosaur isthe elephant.

4. did wu yifan go to the park last monday? (作否定回答)

5. my mother had a cold yesterday. (改为一般疑问句)

mothera cold yesterday?


zhang li: where did you go last weekend?

xiaoming: i went to a zoo with my family.

zhang li: what did you see there?

xiaoming: we saw many animals. i played with them.

zhang li: that’s interesting. last weekend, i had a cold. i had to stay at

home and slept all weekend.

xiaoming: oh, i’m sorry. are you all right now?

zhang li: yeah, i am ok now.

)1. xiaoming went to a zoo with his friends last weekend.

)2. xiaoming played with animals.

)3. the animals are interesting.

)4. zhang li had a cold last friday.

)5. zhang li is ok now.




2013 2014学年度第二学期期中考试小学六年级。英语试卷。总分100分,时间50分钟 听力部分 共四大题,计40分 一 听音选图 听句子,选择与你所听到的内容相符的 每小题听两遍。每小题2分,共10分 二 听音排序 听句子,按你所听到内容的先后顺序,给下列句子用阿拉伯数字1 5在前面的括号内编上...


甘肃天水麦积区区府路小学2013 2014学年上学期小学六年级期中检测英语试卷。时间 40分钟满分 60分得分 选出每组中不属于同一类别的词。请将正确答案的标号写在题前的括号内。每小题1分,共5分 chairb.deskc.black seasonb.winterc.summer handb.big...


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