
发布 2020-08-16 06:48:28 阅读 5086





五、选择题 。(选择最佳答案,共15题,每题1分,计15分)

)1、do you h**e __brothers __sisters?

a some or b any and c any or

)2、whose ruler is longer , or___

a you his b yours he c yours his

) 3. —who’s taller than wang bing

a. i dob. i amc. yang ling does.

) 4. i can speak english __my mother.

a. better as b. better than c. good as

)5. —where’s mr brown?

he’sthe bus stop.

a. inb. onc. at

) 6. we met at one thirtythe garden theatre.

a. in front of b. in the front of c. in front

)7. what is his hobby? he likes

a. swim b. swimming c. swimming

)8、liu tao __well in pe

a don’s do b doesn’t do c isn’t do

)9、a: can you tell me the way to the post office ?

b:__a let me see b. i’m sorry c let’s wait and see

)10.__your twin sister get up earlier than you ?

a. isb. doesc. do

( )has___story books than his classmates.

morec. much

) 4. john jumps as __as mike.

a fartherb farc farer

) more exercise, you'll be .

a. smallb. thinc. thinner

) can get off the second stop.

a. ofb. atc. in

) school is your left. you miss it.

can't b. can't, on c. in, can

) 15. go __the bei jing road, and you’ll see the supermarket.

a inb toc along


)1、are bears as big as rabbitsa. there are seven.

)2、what time do you get upb 4 miters

) 3. how far did d**id jumpc sorry, i don’t know.

) 4. how many days are there in a week? d no, it isn’t

) 5. how can i get to jin ling primary school? e yes ,they are

) 6. is it far from heref. thank you.

) 7. here’s a chair for youg yes, i’d love to.

) 8 would you like to join ush at half past six


1. like, to, would ,join ,you ,us (连词成句), in, does, rain, spring, it(连词成句)

jumps lower than ben.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答。)

4. wang bing is tao is 135cm too. (合并为一句)

5. is that a new house? (改为肯定句)


a. but where is the bus stop?

b. excuse me, i can’t find my way. can you tell me how i can get to the post office?

c. it’s over there, on your right.

d. thank you.

e. yes, take bus no. 2 and get off at the second stop.


1me. where’s the historyplease?

--it’s on beijing road. it’s about two kilometersyou canbus no.6.

一、填空: -where’s the

答:最有效的方法就是集焚烧、堆肥、热解、制砖、发电等一体的统合系统,但是焚烧垃圾对空气有污染。--it’s near the history museum.

you get on bus no.6 and getat thestop.





5、减少垃圾的数量是从源头上解决问题的办法,我们每个人都可以想出许多减少垃圾数量的方法。2. autumn comes in september.

the days get shorter, and the nights getit is cool but usually sunny. sometimes we playor

winter starts in december. it is cold andpeople put on warmwe often goor




we are going to h**e a class outing tomorrow. d**id and i will meet at the bus stop at 10:30.

our teacher tell us we will visit the zoo. there’s a new zebra in the zoo. we’ll go home at 4:30.


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