
发布 2020-05-18 08:51:28 阅读 9507



得分 同学们,期中考试又到了,答题时可要认真仔细呀!

听力部分 30’

一、 听录音,辨认单词、数字或短语,将序号填在题前的括号里。6’

) 1. a. the great wall b. zooc. theme park

) 2. a. awayb. wayc. always

) 3. a. quietb. quickc. quickly

) 4. a. twelfthb. twentieth c. twelve

) 5. a. in december b. in november c. in september

) 6. a. 10月31日 b. 2月13日 c. 10月13日。

二、 根据录音内容,判断下列句子的意思是否正确,正(t)误(f)。6’

) 1. look at the sign. it means we shouldn’t smoke.

) 2. i’d like to buy some apples.

) 3. jim is in class 1 and ben is in class 2.

) 4. liu yun is going to take a trip with her mom and dad.

) 5. my birthday is on the 16th of october.

) 6. the camera is in su yang’s bag.

三、 听问句,选出正确的答句。9’

) 1. a. it means “be quietb. it is a sign.

) 2. a. it’s the 20th of august. b. it’s friday.

) 3. a. i’m 11 years oldb. i do my homework.

) 4..a. i like watching tvb. i’m going to play football.

) 5. a. it’s next to the post office. b. yes, they’re in the red box.

) 6. a. it’s on the 10th of september. b. it’s on the 9th of october.

四、 听录音,判断下列**是否正确,正确的画t,错误的画f。9’

笔试部分 70’



1、plane 地铁2、minute 东。

ship 飞机east 北

subway 轮船north 南

usually 火车south 分钟

train 常常west 西


) 1. –hi, jimlet me see. it’s about four thirty.

a. how old are you? b. what’s the time? c. what’s the date?

) 2. where are you going this afternoon?

a. i’m going to the pet shop.

b. i’m to the book store.

c. i going to the fruit stand.

) 3. –where is the hospital?

-it’s next __the cinema.

a. inb. toc. on

) 4. d**id is playing __basketball in the playground.

a .ab. thec. \

) 5. in the evening, we are going to books.

a. reading b. watching c. looking

) 6. they going to museum together after school.

a. areb. isc. be

) 7. i’mto the bookstore this evening.

a. gob. going c. goes

) 8. my school bag isn’t here now. so i’m it.

a. looking at b. looking for c. looking around

) 9. how do you go to canada?

a. by plane b. on foot c. by bus

) 10. the science museum is __the right.

a. onb. atc. in


)1. is it far from herea. you are welcome.

) 2. what are you going to buyb. no, it isn’t.

) 3. thank you very muchc. no, it’s not far.

) 4. is your birthday in februaryd. yes, it does.

) 5. does it means “no smokinge. i am going to buy some grapes.


amy: excuse me. where is the post office?

mike: i'm sorryyou can ask the policeman.

amy: thank you all the same.

amycan you tell me the way to the post office?

policemanyou can see the kfc.


2011 2012学年度上期。小学六年级英语期中考试题。满分100分,时间60分班级姓名。part one listening 55分 一 听音,将听到的字母或单词的字母代号填入题前 内,念两遍。10分 1.a.bbb.hhc.dd 2.a.uub.vvc.yy 3.a.ppb.rrc.ss 4.a...


2013 2014学年第一学期六年级英语科期中测试卷。听力部分 五大题共40分 一 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相符合的一项,把其字母编号填在提前的括号里。8分 1.a.b.c2.a.b.c.3.a.go to work b.go to school c.go home 4.a.fruitb.f...


渭州学校2014 2015学年度第一学期期中测试卷。六年级英语。命题 杨婧霞审题 马凤英。本试卷满分100分,需时100分钟 一 把下列单词补充完整。10分 1 t n s 2.h lf nic 4.l rn 5.m tt r 6.h lthy 7.w lk ting 9.ce 10.w st 二 ...