
发布 2020-05-18 08:20:28 阅读 1682

my pencil box



)1. a. three b. ninec. five d. too

)2. a. maths b. english c. book d. chinese

)3. a. tall b. friend c. strong d. quiet

)4. a. notebook b. floor c. wall d. door

)5. b. teacher’s desk c. red d. yellow






) 1. is your bag? it’s yellow.

a. whatb. whoc. what colour

) 2. the door __yellow. the desks __green.

a. is, is b. are, are c. is, are

)3. -what’s her namename is sarah.

herc. he

) 4. zhang peng___shorthair.


) 5. -open the door, please

a. okb. yes, i amc. no.


a. he is short and strong. he has a green bag. he has small eyes and a big mouth.

b. she is tall and strong. she has long hair. she is friendly.

c. she is short. she has short hair and red glasses.

d. this is my brother. he is has a blue hat. he likes toys very much.


sarah: hi, h**e a new classroom.

mike: really? what’s in it?

sarahmike: wow. it’s so at the picture.

sarahmike: it’s near that window.



look! this is my new schoolbag. it’s big.

it’s blue and white. i h**e an english book, a chinese book, a maths book, three notebooks and a pencil box in it. in my pencil box ,you can see a ruler, two pens, seven pencils and a sharpener.

oh, where is my schoolbag? it’s on my chair.

) schoolbag is small.

) h**e three chinese books.

) pencil box is in my schoolbag

) are six pencils in the pencil box.

) schoolbag is on the chair.



pen, keys, notebook, pencil, candy, maths book, ruler, english book, toy;

storybooks, green, chinese book, yellow, panda, small, white, big,black…

例句:1、 it’s blue and white.

2、i h**e an english book, a chinese book, a maths book, three notebooks and a pencil box in my schoolbag.

听力材料:一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。


h**e a new fan.

h**e three books,a schoolbag and some keys.

is mr has glasses.

me clean the blackboard.

shoes are black and white.

三、听句子,判断**与所听内容是否相符,用 “√或 “×表示。

car is under the desk.

is an english book.

is tall and has short hair.

is a like it.

clean the classroom.


me help you!

his name?

in the classroom?

colour is the teacher’s desk?


a:hello! i’m wu can’t find my help me!

b:ok!let me help you!

a:thanks! where are my books?

b:they are under your pencil box.

a:where is my pen?

b:it’s in your hand.

a:where is my bag?

b:it’s on the wall.

a:where are my glasses?

b:they ’re near the computer.

a:where are my keys?

b:they are in your schoolbag.

三年级英语期中试卷 定稿

2014 2015学年度第一学期期中试卷。三年级英语。时间 60分钟满分 100分 出卷人 肃南二中李瑞 听力部分 40 听一听,选一选。根据你在录音中听到的内容,将下列每组中的单词选出来,将其字母标号填在题前的括号里。分 1.a.red b.green c.blue 2.a.bag b.look ...


4b英语期中复习。name1 单词互译。2.紫色的 3.再,又。4.科学。5.休息。6.草莓。7.课程表。8.使人愉悦的。9.关于。10.停下。2 翻译词组。1.在中午。2.落下。3.散步。4.在。后面走。5.弹钢琴。6.拉小提琴。7.在家。8.一个篮球俱乐部。9.踢足球。10.在下午。bag of...


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