英语五年级上册期中试卷 4

发布 2020-11-08 14:03:28 阅读 1351






形容词形式 do it(译汉。

9. 做作业(译英10.做家务(译英。


1.—what’s he like —_thin and short.

a. he’s b. she’s c. his d. her

2.—is she young —_she’s old.

a. yes she isb. yes he is

c. no she isn’t d. no he isn’t

3.—_that young lady —she’s our principal.

a. who’s b. whose c. who d. whose

4.—is there a river in the park

a. yes it isb. yes there is c. no there is d. no it isn’t

5. are you __at home

a. help b. helps c. helping d. helpful

6.—can you do housework

a. yes, i can b. yes ,i can’t c. no, i can d. no, i don’t

are many __on the shelf。

a. story-book b. story-books c. story-book d. story-book’s

8、there __a tree and some flowers in front of the house

a. be b. am c. is d. are

9.—_is the trash bin ? it’s near the table

a. what b. who c. where d. why

10.—what do you __for lunch today —i h**e eggplant and tomatoes.

a. do b. does c. h**ed. has


1. you thursdays do h**e what on (

2. the can bed you make (

3. clothes are closet the many in (

4. any in mountains are there the pandas (

5. i like grapes don’t (

五、将问句和相应的答句连接起来并将选项填入题号前括号内。 (10分1、what can you doa、no she isn’t

)2、can you wash the clothesb、yes there is.

) 3、is there a river in the parkc、i can do housework.

) 4、how many lakes are there in the park? d、two.

)5、is she quiete、yes i can.


1. i'd like some (potato) for lunch.

2. what day is it today? it's (sun.)

3. we h**e chinese and math on .(thursday)

4. mike (h**e) english on monday.

5. it's (salt). it's my f**ourite.

七、根据汉语完成句子。 (10分)


weenglish, math on___


they oftentvsaturdays.


what would you __for___i'd like someand


jimthe meals at home.


hello! i'm mary. i’d like to introduce my village to you.

my village is in the mountains. there are many small houses and a river. there is a bridge over the river.

the water is clean. there are many fish in it. there is a road near the river.

there are many flowers beside the road. my village is really beautiful. you can see green grass, many trees and a lake.

welcome to my village. you’ll love it too1、mary’s village is beautiful

) 2、there is a road near the river

) 3、there are many tall buildings in the village.

) 4、there isn’t a bridge over the river

) 5、there are no flowers near the road

九 、请你写一个有关你房间的小短文。要求内容叙述合理家具描述准确。 (10分)


2014 2015学年度第一学期期中考试。黄泥堡五年级英语试卷。年级 姓名得分 一 根据汉语意思,写出正确的英语单词。每小题1分,计10分。1.how many 城市 are there in the world.2.look at the 星星 in the sky 3.my mother oft...


一 词形变换。10分 i d 完全形式sandwich 复数。know 同音词they re 完全形式。tuesday 缩略形式sun.完全形式。do homework 汉语f ourite 汉语。看电视 英语potato 复数。二 选出下列各组中不同类的单词。10分 1.a.monday b.fr...


一 根据汉语意思,写出正确的英语单词。每小题2分,计10分。1.jenny is 高 than liming 2.北京 is the capital city of china 3.北 points up on a map is 西方 map of 加拿大 二 把 与单词连起来。10分 11.aus...