
发布 2020-05-18 08:06:28 阅读 3538



1. way的复数形式 not(缩略形式。

的相近词反义词) 三单形式。




5、到达那儿6、visit my grandparents

7、go straight8、in front of the library

9、turn left10、take a trip


)1. a. need b. tomorrow c. tonight

)2. a. cinema b .hospitalc. film

)3. a. post card b. dictionary c. cake

)4. thatc. when

)5. shoeb. shoe store d. pet shop

四、对话配对。从ⅱ栏中找出ⅰ栏的相应答语 (10分)

ⅰ栏栏。 ) 1. where is his homea. yes, i do. it is interesting.

) 2. how can i get thereb. sure,

) 3. is it far away from here? c. it’s next to the hospital.

) 8. can i help youd. you can take the no.1 bus.

) 10 do you like englishe. yes ,it is

五、单项选择 (20分)

1. (i am going to h**e a party this sunday.

a. onb. inc. /

2. (how can i the post office?

a. get tob. get offc. get on

3. are you going to buybooks?

a. someb. ac. any

4. (is there a post office near here?

a .yes ,it is. b. no, there isn’t. c. no, thanks

6. (we are going to draw some pictures in renmin park.

all right b,you are welcome great

7. (if you are hungry, you can go to the

a. library b. restaurant c. science museum

8. (he often buys some books plants.

a. about b. ofc. at

9. (i go to the supermarket my mother every saturday.

a. after b. with c. at

10( )is my math teacher. is a good teacher .

a. she b. hisc. he


1. i go to school on foot. (对划线部分提问,每空一词)

you go to school ?

2. i am going to play the piano this weekend. (划线提问,每空一词)

are you going to this weekend ?

3. jim is going to play football after school. (变否定句,每空一词)

jimgoing to play football after school.

4. are .three. in. country. there. lights. every .traffic (连词成句)

5. get .hospital .how .i .to .the. can (连词成句)


1).the , bookstore, where, is,cinema,they ,are,not,do

八。阅读,判断。对的打/,错的打× 。10分)

tom: excuse me, sir. is there a bookstore near here?

policeman: no, there isn’t. but there is a bookstore next to the pot office.

tom: where is the post office, please?

policeman: it’s west of the hospital.

tom: is it far from here?

policeman: yes.

tom: how can i get there?

policeman: first, take the no.16 bus at the bus stop.

get off at the hospital. then, cross(穿过) the street. you’ll see the post office.

tom: thank you.

policeman: you’re welcome.

) 1 there is a bookstore near the school.

) 2 the post office is next to the bookstore.

) 3 the post office is west of the hospital.

) 4 tom walks to the bookstore.

) 5 tom wants to go to the post pffice.


my name is sarah. tomorrow is saturday. we h**e no classes.

my parents aren't going to work, but we are going to be very busy tomorrow. my mother is going to the supermarket for next week. my father is going to visit my aunt and uncle .

i'm going to the bookstore by bus .we are going to visit grandparents on sunday morning and h**e a big dinner. after that we are going to see a film.

i think we are going to h**e a nice weekend.


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