
发布 2020-05-16 13:41:28 阅读 6139











6. what does mom ask her son to do?

a. do his homework. b. wash the platesc. wash his hands.


7. what does the man like best?

a. going fishingb. going hikingc. going cycling.


8. what lesson does sam h**e today?

a. a piano lessonb. a guitar lessonc. a violin lesson.


9. what sport does lisa often play?

a. she often swimb. she often plays basketball. c. she often plays volleyball.


10. where are the man and the woman?

a. at a clock shopb. at a bus stationc. at a train station.

11. when is the woman’s train coming?

a. at 4:15b. at 3:45c. at 4:45.


12. who is li hua?

a. a football player. b. a volleyball playerc. a basketball player.

13. why does he come to our city?

a. to h**e a football match

b. to watch a football match.

c. to give a talk about a football match.


14. who gets up the earliest in the girl’s family?

a. her fatherb. her motherc. her grandmother.

15. what does the girl’s mother do after she gets up?

a. she takes exercise. b. she cooks breakfast. c. she takes the dog for a walk.





21. youread in the sun. it’s bad for your eyes.

a. mayb. shouldc. mustn’t

22. —lookfine day it is! how about going out for a walk?

that’s a good idea.

a. howb. whatc. what a

23. —i called you at seven yesterday evening, but no one answered.

sorry. ia letter at that time.

a. writeb. was writingc. is writing

24does your father play tennis after work?

every tuesday and thursday.

a. how oftenb. how soonc. how much

25. —where would you like to go on your summer holiday, mike?

i’d like to go

a. interesting anywhere b. somewhere interesting c. interesting somewhere

26. —why was your motheryou?

because i didn’t finish doing my homework.

a. angry withb. good forc. worry about

27. —is the air in the countrysidefresher than that in the city?

sure. many old people like to live in the countryside.

a. muchb. mostc. few

28. —which color do you prefer, red or green?

i prefer green. i think it’s

a. beautifulb. more beautifulc. the most beautiful

29. tomorrow is mother’s day. i’d like to buy some __to make a vegetable salad for my mother.

a. beefb. tomatoesc. sandwiches

30. —would you mind my opening the window?

it’s much too hot here.

a. certainlyb. all rightc. of course not.



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1213学年 上 八年级质检试卷

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