
发布 2020-05-16 13:42:28 阅读 2964





)sleep ( subject ( lake ( today( )friend ( birthday ( dance ( cooks( )holiday ( swimmathstudy二、听朗读,判断对错,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。(8分)

三、听朗读,在括号里写数字,表示你听到的顺序(20分)( who’s sheit’s wednesday.( play baseballhappy birthday.( what’s thatis it a dog?

( call my mothera green balloon.( mayiplayyoursocceryou’rewelcome.


)1. )2. a. they’re my friends. b. they’re happy.

c. they’re books.

)3. )4. a. i play ping—pong. b. i like music.

c. i am a student .

)5. a. yes, i do. b. yes, i can. c. yes, i am.



)1. a. tuesday b.

wednesday c. week( )2. a.

father b. teacher c. sister( )3.

a. read c. yes

)4. a. soccer b.

sunday c. baseball( )5. a.

big b. book c. pencil二、选择正确的字母补全单词(5分)

)1. m__ s __c a. u/i b.

a/o c. v/e( )2. p__i __t b.

n/a c. a/n( )3. w__ k a.

ar c. ee

)4. th__ a. is b. os c. es( )5. pl__ a. ey b. ay c. oy三、按要求写出下列单词的相应形式(10分)

friday (缩写)__cannot(缩写)__jenny(所有格tall(反义词)__let’s(分写watch(第三人称单数)__monday(完全式)__big(反义词sunday(介词bird(复数)__四、选择题。(10分)

) 1. _it a pen ? a. does b. is c. do


)birthday. a. isn’t b.

no c. not( )c.×(7.

__isthis?soccer. )8.

__it tuesday ? a. is b.

does c. are( )the bird. a.

in )10.__you h**e a pen ? b.

does c. do

五、把错误的地方圈起来,并在括号里改正。(10分)1. what day it’s today2.

i play piano on monday3. it’s tony birthday today4. are you play ping-pong on monday5.

what do gogo do on tuesday六、阅读短文,判断对错。(10分)

hi, i am tom .i h**e a good friend .his name is jimmy .

经常)playbadmintonon sunday .i h**e a blue pen and jimmy has a green eraser .ioften borrow his eraser and he often borrows my pen ,too .

wego to school together from monday to friday . but his sisterdoesn’t go to school .

) is tom’s good friend .(2. tom has a sister .

) 3. they play basketball on sunday.( 4. jimmy has a blue eraser .

) 5. jimmy’s sister can go to school now .


一、听朗读,在括号里写数字,表示你听到的单词的顺序。(2 )sleep ( 10)subject ( 3 )lake(12 )today( 8 ) friend ( 1 ) birthday ( 7 )dance ( 6 ) cooks( 5)holiday( 9)swim ( 4 )math ( 11)study二、听朗读,判断对错,对的写“t”,错的写“f”。 the boys doing?

they’re that? it’s a he doing? he’s singing.

4. what time does he do his homework?

he does his homework at 6:10.

do you do on thursday? i play you like rice? yes, i these? they’re mice.

三、听朗读,在括号里写数字,表示你听到的顺序( 3 ) who’s she ? 9 ) it’s wednesday.( 5 ) play baseball.

(4 ) happy birthday.( 2 ) what’s that? (1 ) is it a dog?

10 ) call my mother . 8 ) a green balloon.( 6 )mayiplayyoursoccer?

(7) you’rewelcome.四、听朗读,选择正确的答案。 you like cola?

are they? day is it?

subjects do you like? you swim?


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