
发布 2022-12-14 15:49:28 阅读 4153

hi, 亲爱的同学们, 经过一学期的努力, 英语一定学得很好吧!让我考考你, 好好展示你自己, 相信你一定是最棒的!

第一部分听力( 15分)


一、听录音,选择合适的应答句。(读一遍)(5 分)

)1. a. that’s a good idea.

b. oh, let me h**e a look.

c. let’s try our best.

)2. a. of courseb. you’re welcomec. the same to you.

)3. a. i can watch tv only once a week.

b. i watch tv for about an hour every day.

c. i often watch tv in the study.

)4. a. she works hard. b. she is a zookeeper. c. she is very busy.

)5. a. here you are. b. oh, no, not very much. c. thank you.


) 6. what number does the woman want?

a.2872030 b. 2782030c. 2870230

) 7. where does the man want to go?

a. to the children’s parkb. to the children’s library.

c. to the children’s hospital.

) 8. what’s her f**ourite animal?

a. a catb. a pandac. a bear.

) 9. what’s the weather like?

a. it’s raining hard. b. the rain is coming. c. it’s sunny.

) 10. why isn’t the woman going to the science report?

a. she is not interested in it. b. she is too busy to go.

c. she does not know.


)11. when did this story happen?

a. one evening. b. one night. c. one morning.

)12. how many persons were there in the room when someone was knocking at the door?

a. oneb. twoc. three.

)13. what did the young man wear?

a. a white shirt. b. long trousers. c. a pair of glasses.

)14. who was the young man ?

a. he was a friend of the writer’s.

b. he was the friend of the writer’s brother.

c. he was a strange man to them.

)15. what was the end of the story?

a. the young man was taken away by the police.

b. the young man became their friend.

c. the young man ran away.

第二部分笔试 (85分)


一、词汇;根据首字母或汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词。 (10分)

1. phope has helped many poor children come back to school.

2. it is very ito follow and watch the foreigners so we shouldn’t do like that.

3. —the programme is too boring.

—yes, why not use the remote control to change the c

4. —do you know nancy jackson?

—of course. she’s one of the most famous software d___

5. please be quiet, your sister is busy t___a letter.

6. sorry, i didn't hear you cplease say it again.

7. the fans鼓掌) and screamed when the famous singer appeared on the stage.

8. the (十八) world cup football match is being held in germany(德国).

9. when i passed the driving test, i thought i was the幸运)person in the world.

is a great country有) a history of more than 5,000years.

二、同义句 ( 8分)

1. he went to school at the age of eight.

he went to school when he wasboy.

took him quite a long time to finish the work.

he __quite a long time __the work.

wu is so careless that he cant do the job well.

comrade wu isn’tto do the job well.

4. did they build a bridge here a year ago?

a bridgehere by them a year ago?


1. —i called you at 7 o’clock yesterday evening, but there was no answer.

— i’m sorry. i __eat) supper at my friend’s house.

2. the boy found a purse __lie) on the ground and picked it up.

3. lots of informationstore) on the hard disk or on a floppy disk.

zookeeper told themnot le**e) litter there.

5. be careful! you all can___pass) the exam successfully.

6. —how do you like our city?

— wonderful. istay) here for another two days.

7. —you (pay) for your shoes yet?

— yes. they only cost me fifty dollars.

四 .单项选择(15分)

) 1. listen ! the music sounds very .

a. beautiful b. delicious c. well d. wonderfully

) 2. you can move the mouse your hand to move the cursor the screen.

a. with, in b. by, around c. with, on d. by, on

) 3. —how is your grandpa?

he___two years ago. hefor two years.

a. died; has been deadb. had died; has been dead

c. has died; has diedd. died; died

) 4. he seemedthere at 5:30 but i ‘m not sure.

a. to beb. wasc. being d. is

) 5. wesix days a week, but now we only work five days.


一 试卷分析 本试题设计合理 题量和试题的难易程度适中,没有偏题 怪题和难题,知识的难度小,但灵活性强。能力部分的试题以大纲为依据,紧扣教材。尽力寻求学生所学知识与实践运用能力的切合点,着眼于考查学生语言知识的综合运用能。作文试题的内容设制也尽量贴近学生生活,同样体现了这样的特点。在试题中不仅考核学...


一 试题分析 1 试题结构与分值 本次试卷满分为100分,分别为 听力20分 单项选择15分 完型填空10分 阅读理解20分 词汇运用10分 补全对话10分和书面表达15分。教材中所出现的重要语法项目在不同的试题中均得到了考查。对所有采分点的设题均为教材中所要求 掌握 的内容,要求学生动笔写的内容全...


第五题语篇理解。阅读部分所选的阅读文章题材多样化,主要考查学生对阅读材料的分析理解能力 推理判断能力和概括归纳能力。该大题在整篇考卷中得分率相对最低。失误原因是对于常见用语掌握的熟练程度还不够。基本功不扎实,知识掌握不到位。第六部分书面表达。1 考生在书面表达中所反映的问题主要有 基础不扎实,语言表...