
发布 2022-12-14 15:45:28 阅读 7648




1. people make dumplings every day.

2. i feel nervous when i speak to a foreign teacher.

3. h**e you ever won any prizes before? no, i h**en’t.

4. they h**e been to many interesting places, for example, they h**e visited the pyramids.

5. why don’t we watch a cartoon spiderman? it’s more modern.



6. would you like to try some coffee?

7. how do you feel about coming to china?

8. h**e you ever visited the great wall?

9. let’s go to play basketball, shall we?

10. how can i help you?




w: what kind of food do you eat, tony?

m: usually fast food.

question 11: what kind of food does tony eat?


w: where has the spaceship landed?

m: on the mars

question 12: where has the spaceship landed?


m: what should i do, doctor?

: get some exercise, such as running.

question13: what does the doctor ask the man to do ?


w: hi, bob. i will le**e for beijing next week.

m: beijing? that’s a wonderful place, susan.

w: h**e you ever been there?

m: yes, i went there two years ago.

w: did you go there by yourself?

m: no, with my parents. and what about you? who will go with you?

w: well, i enjoy going tr**elling alone, you know.

m: how long will you stay there?

w: two weeks.

m: good luck and good journey!

w: thanks.

question14: where will susan go next month?

question15: how long will she stay there?


w: what can i do for you?

m: i’d like to borrow a book.

w: what kind of book would you like to borrow?

m: the storybook. jane eyre.

w: ok! just a minute please. i’ll go and get it for you.

m: thank you very much. by the way, how long may i keep it?

w: ten days. please return it on time.

m: surly i will.

question16: what book does the man want to borrow?

question17: how long can he keep it?


w: it seems very nice this weekend.

m: yes, what do you want to do?

w: i don’t know.

m: do you want to go to the mountains?

w: oh, climbing mountains must be tiring.

m: then, how about going to the beach?

w: great! that’s a good idea.

m: shall we go to the summer beach? it is a wonderful place.

w: sounds good! how i want to h**e a holiday!

after months of study at school. i need to relax very much.

m: we all need!

w: what shall we do there?

m: a lot of things! we can go swimming, fishing and surfing there.

w: great!

question18: where do you want to go?

question19: why do they want to h**e a holiday so much?

question20: what’s the relationship between the speakers?



last sunday, mr. green and his wife went to the country. they arrived home very late.

mr. green opened the front door and they went into the house. it was very dark, so mr.

green turned on the lights. on the way upstairs mrs. green said, “listen, i can hear someone in the bedroom.

” they went downstairs again and stood quietly outside the room.

yes, you are right.” said mr. green.

” there are two men there. they are talking!” then he called out.

“who is there?” but no one answered. mr.

green opened the door quickly and turned on the light. the room was empty. then he saw something and laughed.

the radio was still on. “oh, dear!” he said, “i forgot to turn it off this morning.

”21. where did they come back from?

22. where did they think someone was talking?

23. why did they stand outside the room quietly?

24. why was there no answer in it?

25. who or what was talking there?


2013 2014学年度第一学期期末质量检测。考试时间 120分钟满分 120分 友情提示 展示自己的时候到了,你可要冷静思考,沉着答卷啊!祝你成功!说明 请将答案写在答题纸相应位置上。mini dictionary 小词典。tips n.提醒s e v.节省 节约day returns 日票 fa...


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