
发布 2022-07-23 13:47:28 阅读 4034







第ⅰ卷 (选择题共70分)

听力部分。 听对话,选答案(共15小题,计15分)


) i don’t mind them. like them. can’t stand them.

) 2. a. h**ing an english class

b h**ing a chinese class

c taking a rest.

) a doctor b an engineer c a pilot

) 4. a 100 years old. b 200 years old c 300 years old.

) 5. a the animals b the books c the future life

) 6. a the mountains b the hebei c the beijing

) 7. a watch tv b play baseball c cook

) 8. a tarab tinac kelly

) 9. a moon cinema b sun cinema c the town cinema

) 10. a prepare for a exam b help parents c go to the doctor



) 11. which girl is bella’s friend?

a. the girl in a red hat

b. the girl in a white dress

c. the girl in a blue hat.

) 12. is mary the best student in her class?

a. yes, she isb. no, she isn’t. c. we don’t know.


) 13. how often does mr. fat exercise?

a. sometimesb. hardly everc. very often.

) 14. how does he like vegetables and milk?

a. he likes them very much

b. he doesn’t like them at all.

c. he likes them a little.

) 15. which one is right?

a. he sleeps 9 hours every night.

b. mr. fat has a healthy lifestyle.

c. he eats junk food three or four times a week

听短文,选答案。( 共5小题, 计10分)


) 16is ****** the invitation.

a larry smith b parents c students

) 17. the headmaster would like to invite you to theof their new library.

a opening b removing c closing

) 18. the opening will be on the morning of

a tuesday b wednesday c sunday

) 19. then the lunch will be in theat 12:00

a dining room b school hall c playground

) 20. the headmaster also asks each parent to bringas a gift for the new library.

a money b toys c a book

笔试部分。单项选择 (共10小题,计10分)


sister goes __every day.

a. to swim b. swimming

c. swimd. swims

22.—what bad weather!

yes. the radio says it will be even___later on.

a. badb. badly

c. worsed. dewiest

23. he often drinks___water when he comes back.

a. two cup ofb. any chickens

c. two cups ofd. tow

24.—what can i do for you?

err , i want a glass of milk , some bread and

a. some chickens b. any chickens

c. some chicken d. chickens

25.—why did you __his invitation , jeff?

—because i h**e to go to the doctor.

a. accept b .refuse

c. catch d. print

26. can you___with us this sunday afternoon?

a. look after b. look for

c. hang out d. turn down

27. if you go to college, you’ll___a good education.

a. makeb. get

c. studyd. find

28. his teacher was angry___him because he didn’t finish his homework.

a .withb. at

c. ford. about

29. i won’t take part in julie’s birthday party __i am invited.

a. unlessb. after

c. becaused. if

30. we want __expert to give us some __

a. a; adviceb. an; advice

c. a; advicesd. an; advices



hi,亲爱的同学们,经过一学期的努力,英语一定学得很好吧!让我考考你,好好展示你自己,相信你一定是最棒的!第一部分听力 15分 认真看听力材料,仔细听,相信你会做对!一 听录音,选择合适的应答句。读一遍 5 分 1.a.that s a good idea.b.oh,let me h e a loo...


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