
发布 2022-07-23 13:48:28 阅读 1083


总分:100分) classgrade 8 name marks




21. the weather in beijing isbad) than that in shanghai.

22. they are from canada. they arecanada) .

23. please readloud) i can’t hear you.

24. he is too young to look afterhis).

25. my brother is good atplay)baseball.


26. would you like to go to the**会)with me?

27. there is nothing in the box. it is空的).

28. in事实), water covers most parts of the earth.

29古典**)is not my f**orite, i like folk music best.

30. most old houses are pulled down and only a few (保留) now.


从a 、b、c、d四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。将其标号填入题前括号内。

)31. —would you likeyes, please.

a. something to drinkb. h**e a drink

c. h**e a cup of tead. to something to drink

)32. —what does your father do

a. he drives a car b. he watches tv

c. he is a dentist d. he is old

)33. they didn’t h**e supper their father came back.

a. but b. until c. because d. if

)34. —i now. —if you take this medicine , you’ll be better soon.

a. h**e headache;third time one day b. headache;third time a day

c. h**e a headache;three times a day d. h**e an headache;three times day

)35do you get up every day? —at six o’clock.

a. what b. wherec. what time d. which

)36. emma has to stay home to look her grandmother.

a. at; at b. in; over c. in; after

)37. my brother enjoys to the radio.

listen hear

)38. yousmoke here. it’s dangerous.

not )39. —you never saw himno, i didn’t. he’s new.

you you you

)40beautiful! where did you get them?

a an )41. stop so much noise! my father is sleeping.

make )42. mount qomolangma is the first mountain in the world.

tall )43. —excuse mesorry, i don’t know. my watch is broken.

a. what’s the time now c. what’s wrong with your watch

b. whose watch is thisd. how does the watch work

)44. —he can’t come to dinner with us

too bad. sorry to hear that.

is too careless. a shame!

)45. i called you last night but nobody answered the phone. what you ?


先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从a 、b、c、d中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。将其标号填入题前括号内 。

nowadays (如今) more and more people like to do physical exercises(体育活动) 46 their spare time. physical exercises are 47 important to us.

firstly, it is important to good health. people who 48 do running, swimming and other exercises will h**e less chance to get disease. they feel well and look 49 , and they can 50 5 to 10 years 51 than those who 52 .

secondly, it is important to social life. while doing exercises, people can 53 about many interesting things 54 each other.

finally, it is also very important to social development. healthy 55 can lead to a strong country.

)47. and and fewer

and and much


awhat are your hobbies? many children like stamp-collecting in their spare time. do you know?

stamp-collecting didn’t start until 1854. as time passes, there are more and more stamp-collectors. not only children but also men and women are collectors.

in some countries, there are even lessons on stamp-collecting in school. people are becoming more and more interested in stamps. every picture on a stamp has its meaning in it.

it may be the head of a famous person, an important place or special moment. each stamp tells us a story. we can learn a lot from stamps.

now stamp-collecting is my f**ourite hobby. why not join us?


unit1 topic1 1 打篮球2 看见某人做某事3 给 加油。4 更喜欢骑自行车5 长大6 非常喜欢。7 跳高8 跳远9 参加运动会。10 到达北京11 出发去日本12 后天。13 保持健康14 帮助我们轻松15 晚饭后。16 对 有益17 全世界18 让我们 变得 强壮。19 他最喜欢的运动...


unit1 topic1 1 打篮球2 看见某人做某事3 给 加油。4 更喜欢骑自行车5 长大6 非常喜欢。7 跳高8 跳远9 参加运动会。10 到达北京11 出发去日本12 后天。13 保持健康14 帮助我们轻松15 晚饭后。16 对 有益17 全世界18 让我们 变得 强壮。19 他最喜欢的运动...


unit1 topic1单词姓名。在 期间对着,反对队,组。获胜,赢得加油,喝彩为 加油。足球练习,实践更喜欢,宁愿。划船一排,一行相当,十分。加入,参加溜冰网球。运动员梦想生长。科学家将来 家。飞行员男警察女警察。邮递员渔民花费。锻炼棒球周末。部分健康流行的 世界,地球心脏健康的。放松著名的激动的...