
发布 2022-07-23 13:44:28 阅读 9356

unit 1 how often do you exercise?

、短语:1多久一次how often 2照顾look after=take care of=babysit 3上网surf the internet 4至于as for 5 几乎不hardly ever 6对什么有益be good for 7饮食习惯eating habits 8保持健康keep healthy=stay healthy 9健康的生活方式healthy lifestyle 10去滑冰go skate boarding 11与…相同the same as 12不同于be different from 13一月一次once a month 14一周两次twice a week 15尽力去做某事 try to do sth/试着去做某事try doing sth 16想去做某事want to do sth 17 一周三次 three times a week


对话。1 what do you usually do on weekends?(你在周末通常做什么?)

i usually play soccer。(我通常踢足球)

2 what does he do on weekends?(他在周末做什么?)

he sometimes watches tv (他有时候看电视)

3 how often do you shop?(你多久购物一次?)

i shop once a week。(我一周购物一次)

4 how often does he watch tv ?(他多久看一次电视?)

he watches tv twice a week。(他每周看两次电视)


unit2 what’s the matter?

、短语:1感冒h**e a cold 2头痛h**e a headache 3发烧h**e a fever 4牙疼h**e a toothache 5咽喉疼h**e a sore throat 6胃疼h**e a stomachache 7躺下lie down 8加蜂蜜的热茶hot tea with honey 9看牙医see a dentist 10多喝水drink lots of water 11有压力的be stressed out 12此刻at

the moment 13太多too much+不可数名词,too many+可数名词复数/实在太much too+形容词14看医生 see a doctor 15听** listen to music 16有些 a few+可数名词复数a little+不可数名词17没有 few+可数名词复数,little+不可数名词。


1 what’s the matter with you ? what’s wrongwith you? =what’s the trouble with you?你怎么了?

i h**e a stomachache我肚子疼。

2 what’s the matter with her?她怎么了?

she has a cold。她感冒了。





3 she has a toothache。她牙痛 she should see a dentist她必须看牙医。


4 it’s important to eat a balanced diet。膳食均衡很重要(it’s+形容词+for sb to do sth对某人来说做某事是怎样的)


unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?

、短语:1照顾babysit 2去野营go camping 3在家休息relax at home 4玩得高兴h**e a good time = h**e fun = enjoy oneself 5把…给某人看show sb sth = show sth to sb 6返回到get back to/come back to 7下周next week 8 去观光go sightseeing 9去骑车go bike riding 去钓鱼go fishing10去散步take walks/take a walk/go for a walk 11 思考think about/of+动词ing 12决定做某事decide to do sth/decide on sth/动词ing 13计划做某事plan to do sth 14迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do sth 15花费时间/金钱做某事spend+钱/时间on sth;spend+钱/时间in doing sth 16动身去某地le**e for 17忘记去做某事(未做)forget to do sth;忘记做过某事(做了)forget doing sth


1. what are you doing for vacation ?你假期准备做什么?

i am visiting my grandmother我准备去拜访我的外婆。

what is she doing for vacation?她假期准备做什么?

she is going camping她准备去野营(be动词+动词ing表将来)

2. who are you going with ?你准备和谁去?

i am going with my parents我准备和我父母一起去。

3 how long are you staying ?你准备待多久?

i’m staying for three weeks.我准备待三个星期(for+时间,表示持续一段时间)

4 when are you going?你准备什么时候去?

i am going on the 12th。我准备12号去。

5 where are they going?他们准备去**?

they are going to loudi。他们准备去娄底。


unit 4 how do you get to school?

、短语:1 乘地铁take the subway 2乘公共汽车take the bus 3乘火车take the train( 乘坐某种交通工具take+the/a+交通工具,是一个动词短语结果,位于主语后)4乘公共汽车by bus(乘坐某种交通工具by+交通工具,是一个介词短语,位于动词短语后)5 骑自行车 ride a bike 6步行on foot 7到达get to 8决定于depend on 9全世界around the world /all over the world 10许多a number of+可数名词复数11 担心某人worry about sb


1 how do you get to school?你怎样到达学校?

i ride my bike。我骑我的自行车。

2 how does he get to school?他怎样到达学校的?

he walks to school=he gets to school on foot。他走路去学校的。

3 how long does it take?它要花费多长时间?(how long 是就多长时间来提问)

it takes about forty minutes。要花费40分钟。

4 how far is it from your home to school ?从你家到学校要多远?

it’s about 10 kilometers。大约10公里。(how far就距离/多远来提问)

5 it takes us two hours to get to school。到达学校需要两个小时。

it takes+时间/金钱+to do sth去做某事要花费多少时间/金钱,其中take的过去式took)


unit 5 can you come to my party?

、短语:1上钢琴课h**e a piano lesson 2准备考试study for a test 3后天the day after tomorrow 4整天the whole day =all the day 5顺便来访come over to+地点 6为…而感谢thanks for+动词ing 7邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth 8不得不h**e to+动词原形其否定形式don’t h**e to9在星期五晚上on friday evening(在具体某天的早中午用介词on,年月日/月日/日前都用on)10看医生go to the doctor


1 can you come to my party?sure,i’d love to(can为情态动词,后接动词原形)

can she go to the movies?no,she can’t。she is playing soccer。

can he go to the basketball game?no,he can’t。he has to study。

2 what’s today?/what day is it today?今天是星期几?

it’s monday the 14th今天是星期一,14号。

what’s the date today?今天的日期是什么?

it’s november 30th今天是十一月三十日。

学会用can 来向对方提出,拒绝,接受邀请,并知道如何用e-mail的形式来写邀请书;

unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister

、短语:1共有的in common 2超出more than 3在某些方面in some ways 4看起来一样look the same 5看起来不同look different 6 像…一样the same as7和…(不)一样(not)as/so +形容词+as 8 讲笑话tell jokes 9和…相处好be good with sb 10更外向的more outgoing 11更擅长运动的 more athletic

、语法、话题及句型: he is funnier than jim(他比吉姆更有趣)

she is taller than lily(她比莉莉更高)we are both quiet(我们都是安静的)

we both like sports(我们都喜欢运动)both用在be动词后,实义动词前。

i am a little taller than her(我比她要更高一些)在形容词比较级前可以用much,any,a bit ,a little等词来修饰。


unit 7 how do you make banana milk shake ?

、短语:1. 一个香蕉奶昔 a banana milk shake 2.

削苹果 peel the apples 3. 切碎 cut up 4. 打开(水、电、气等)turn on …,关掉turn off,声音关小turn down,声音调大turn up 5.

把…倒入pour…into… 6、水果沙拉 fruit salad 7. 让我想想 let me think /see 8. 多少how many+可数名词复数,how much+不可数名词 9.

混合在一起 mix up 10. 两杯蜂蜜 two cups of honey 11.一茶匙左料 one teaspoon of relish 12.

把…加到…上 add…to… 13. 把…放进…put…in/into 14. 鸡肉三明治 chicken sandwiches 15.

一片面包 a slice of bread 16. …的烹饪法 a recipe for…


1对话:how many bananas do we need?we need three bananas.

how much yogurt do we need?we need two cups of yogurt.

how do you make a banana milk shake?peel the bananas.

peel the bananas改为否定句don’t peel the bananas.(祈使句改为否定形式在句前加don’t)


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