
发布 2022-07-23 13:41:28 阅读 3399

unit 1 where did you go on vacation?

on vacation 在度假(美式) on holiday(英式)stay at home呆在家 go to the mountains去山里go to the beach去海滩 go to summer camp去夏令营。


something , anything, everything, nothing(指物)

someone, anyone, everyone, no one(指人)

somebody, anybody, everybody, nobody (指人)


anything is possible. /someone is waiting for you.


i h**e something important to tell you.

is there anything interesting in today’s news*****?

did you meet anyone interesting?

anyone , someone , everyone (只指人,不可与of连用)

any one , some one , every one (指人或物,常与of连用)

you can take any one of these books. (指书)

every one of us is very hungry. (指人)

nobody =no one / none

nobody, no one 指人,意思是没有人,不可与of连用,常用来回答who 开头的问句。

who is in the classroom? -no one / nobody.

none 指人或物,指三者或三者以上的全部否定,常与of连用,常用来回答how many ,how much开头的问句。

how many students are there in the classroom? -none.

a few , few修饰可数名词复数,a few表示很少,有一些, few表示几乎没有,否定含义。

i h**e a few toy cars, but few of them are new.

a little, little修饰不可数名词,a little表示很少,有一些,little表示几乎没有,否定含义。

i h**e little water in the bottle, can you give me a little?

quite a few 相当多,修饰可数名词复数,quite a little相当多,修饰不可数名词。

most of the time 大多数时间,在此most是代词,most of the students

most还可以用作形容词, most students

反身代词 :用来强调或表示动作返回执行者本身,与所代的名词在人称和数上保持一致。

myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself , ourselves, yourselves, themselves

常和反身代词连用的短语有: enjoy oneself = h**e a good time

teach oneself= learn…by oneself i taught myself english .=i learned english by myself.

help oneself (to) 请自便,请随便吃点 help yourselves to some fish, tom and jane!

by oneself 亲自,独自 he goes to school by himself.

feed sb sth = feed sth to sb

feed …with / on sth 用…来喂某人、物。

feed on以…为食。

nothing but (to) do 除…之外。

i had nothing to do but (to ) sit down and wait.

seem to do sth可转换成it seems/seemed that

he seems to know the answer.= it seems that he knows the answer.

decide to do sth决定做某事 decide not to do sth决定不做某事 decide on sth/doing sth

名词:decision 做决定: make a decision

try to do sth 努力、尽力做某事,付出一定的努力,否定结构try not to do sth尽力不做某事。

you must try to learn english well.你必须尽力把英语学好。

i’ll try not to read in bed. 我会尽力不躺在床上看书。

try doing sth尝试做某事,不一定要付出努力。

try one’s best to do sth尽某人最大的努力做某事。

i’ll try my best to win the game.我会尽我最大的努力赢得比赛。

feel like 感觉到,给…的感觉。

i felt like a new man myself. 我感觉自己换了一个人。

feel like doing sth = want to do sth= would like to to sth想要干某事。

i don’t feel like eating today.

arrive in (大地方) arrive at(小地方) =get to = reach 到达。

wonder= want to know ,后常接宾语从句,注意宾语从句的语序为陈述句语序。

i wonder who he is . she wondered what i did last night.

enjoy doing sth = like doing

感叹句: what +(a/an)+adj+n+(主+谓)! what a wonderful movie (it is)!

how +adj/adv+ the +n +谓! how wonderful the movie is!

difference 可数名词区别,差别形容词是different

at the top of 在…的顶部 we had a picnic at the top of the mountain.

over= more than 超过 wait for sb / sth 等待某人、某物。

too many 太多的,修饰可数名词复数 too much太多的,修饰不可数名词。

much too 非常,修饰形容词。

hard : 形容词困难的,艰难的 hard work 艰难的工作。

坚硬的 a hard stone

副词努力地 work hard 努力地工作。

猛烈地(指雨、雪下得大) rain hard = he**ily

because +句子 because of +名词或名词性短语。

because the weather was bad, we stayed at home.

because of the bad weather, we stayed at home.

below非垂直下方 --above非垂直上方 under垂直下方---over垂直上方。

enough: 形容词,修饰名词,enough time / enough money

副词,修饰形容词或副词,后置 big enough

adj +enough to do sth 足够…干某事 he is old enough to go to school.

as +adj 或adv的原级+as 和…一样… he is as old as tom. 他和tom一样大。

jane is as tall as jack. jane和jack一样高。

not as …as 不如,不及 he isn’t as old as tom. 他没有tom大。

the same as 和…一模一样 my schoolbag is the same as yours.

forget to do sth 忘记去做某事(没做) forget doing sth 忘记做过某事(已做)

stop to do sth 停下来去做另一件事 stop doing sth 停止做某事。

another+数+名词复数= 数+more +名词复数。

another two hours = two more hours

dislike doing sth / dislike to do sth

how do you feel about …?how do you like…? what do you think of…?

keep doing sth 持续做某事 keep sb doing sth 使某人持续干某事。

keep+adj keep quiet= keep healthy in excitement 激动地,兴奋地。

go on to do sth继续做另一件事 go on doing sth 继续做原来做的事。

find out 发现,找出。

unit 2 how often do you exercise?

how often 对频率提问,回答一般是表示频率的单词或短语,often, always, once a week, every day等。how often do you exercise? twice a week.


unit 8 how do you make a banana milk shake?section a 1a 2b 教学设计。南龙乡中心学校 强清梅。一 教学内容及分析。本单元以 制作食物 为中心话题,要求学生学会用英语简洁清楚地描述食物的制作过程。section a 1a 2b 部分主要要求学生...


一 非谓语动词。1 动词 不定式。1 want would like ask tell forbid sb.to do sth.注 ask tell sb.not to do sth.叫某人不干某事 2 plan hope decide to do sth.计划 希望 决定去干某事。2 动词 v i...


词形变化总结。actagreeapartborebuildbeautybeginblendcompete v.表演v.同意adv.分开地v.使厌倦v.建造n.美女v.开始v.搅拌v.竞争v.安慰。adj.便宜的v.关心,在意v.创造n.人群。n.演员n.不同意n.公寓套房adj.令人厌倦的adj.厌...