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要点梳理与训练(book 3)

要点梳理。1. play后接西洋乐器名称时,名词前须加定冠词the;后接民族乐器时一般不加the。

play后接表示球类运动、体育活动的名词前一般不加冠词。如:play the piano; play erhu; play football/chess等。

2. one more ..意为“另一……;再一……”more意为“更多的”。

“数词+more+复数名词”相当于“another+数词+复数名词”,意为“另外几个”,表示在原有基础上再多一些。如:five more books=another five books。

3. 形容词修饰不定代词something, anything, nothing等时,通常要放在不定代词的后面。如:

the little boy looks very hungry. let’s give him something different to eat.

4. either作副词,意为“也”,多用于否定句中,且置于句末。either作代词时,意为“两者之一”,可单独使用,也可与of短语连用。

either … or …意为“或者……或者……”常在句中连接两个并列成分。如:

if you don’t go, i won’t, either.

i’ve bought two cakes. you can h**e either.

i will go on business either this week or next week.

5. “in+时间段”表示“在一段时间之后”,常与一般将来时连用。对“in+时间段”提问常用how soon。如:

how soon will bob be over here?

in two days.

6. be made of意为“由……制成”,指从成品中可以看出原材料,其制作过程中只发生了物理变化。如:the books are made of *****.

be made from也表示“由……制成”,指成品中已看不出原材料,像“各种化学原料制成的尼龙”等,其制作过程发生了化学变化。如:this kind of wine is made from grape.

be made in后接表示地点的名词,意为“某物是某地制造的”,表示“产地”。如:this car is made in germany.

7. except 意为“除……外(不再有)”,besides表示“除……之外(还有……)如:

we all passed the exam except tom. 除了汤姆没及格外,我们都及格了。

we all passed the exam besides tom. 除了汤姆外,我们也都及格了。

8. can’t wait 意为“等不及……;迫不及待”,如:

i can’t wait for the summer. 我急切地等待夏天的到来。

the girl can’t wait to meet her parents. 这个女孩迫不及待地要见她的父母。

9. be/get lost意为“迷路”;lose one’s way也意为“迷路”,可以与be/get lost互换。如:

the little girl was/got lost in the park. =the little girl lost her way in the park.

10. however作副词,意为“然而;不过”,表示对比、转折的意思,在句中常用逗号隔开。but也包含“但是;然而”的意思,但but是并列连词,连接两个并列分句,而且but后面一般不用逗号隔开。

如:tim said he would be on time. however, he was late.

my brother likes singing, but i don’t.

11. ask sb. to do sth.

意为“让某人做某事”,其否定结构是ask sb. not to do sth.。不定式作宾语补足语的动词还有:

tell, want, teach, invite等。如:

mr. green asks us to read english every morning.

lily’s father tells her not to read in the sun.

12. “so+助动词+主语”意为“……也一样”,常用来说明前面所说的情况也同样适用于后者,前后是两个不同的人或物。该结构中的助动词必须与前句中谓语动词的时态保持一致。

但是如果前面所述情况为否定式,则用neither, nor引出。如:

he couldn’t go to school. neither could his brother.

13. no matter what引导条件状语从句,意为“无论什么;不管什么”;no matter还可以与who, where, when, how等连用。如:

no matter who you are, you must show your id card.

14. the door to ..意为“通向……的大门”,其中to引导的词语作定语,用来修饰the door。

类似的用法还有:the key to the door (门的钥匙),the answer to the question (问题的答案),the note to the text (课文的注释)。

15. alone意为“独自”,用作形容词或副词,强调客观事实。一般情况下在句中作表语,但不作前置定语;lonely意为“孤独的;寂寞的”,强调人的主观感受;也可指地方,意为“偏僻的;偏远的”。


the old man lives alone in a lonely house, but he doesn’t feel lonely.

16. take part in意为“参加”,指参加某项活动,如会议、竞选、谈话等,如:take part in the sports meeting。

join 意为“参加”,多用于加入某个组织或参加到某个人群中,而成为其中的一员,如参军、入党、参加俱乐部、和某人一起活动等,如:join the club, join us。

17. “what’s up?”意为“怎么了/有什么事?

”,类似于what’s wrong / what’s the matter? 但是what’s up?这种询问的方式比较随意。

18. 形容词proud意为“自豪的”,be proud of sb./sth.

意为“为某人/物而自豪/骄傲”,be proud to do sth.意为“为做某事而自豪”。如:

most parents are all proud of their children.

he has been too proud to ask for help.

要点训练。. 单项选择。

) 1. —all the workers went home yesterday mr. white. why?

— because he was on duty.

a. except b. besidesc. except for d. beside

) 2. his grandfather lives in a small house, but he doesn’t feel .

a. lonely; alone b. alone; lonely c. lonely; lonely d. alone; alone

) 3. —which club would you like to join, the music club or the swimming club?

is ok. i’m good at them.

a. neither b. bothc. alld. either

) 4. —where would you like to go on your summer holiday?

i’d like to go .

a. nowhere interesting

b. interesting anywhere

c. somewhere interesting

d. interesting somewhere

) 5. —hey, july.

i need your help.

a. oh, really b. what’s up c. how are you d. pardon

. 选词填空。

6. this kind of ***** is made (of; from) bamboo.

7. it’s easy to get (lose; lost) in a big city like shanghai.

8. the boss asked jenny (not to be; doesn’t be) late for work again.

9. liu yang won a gold medal for our school, so we are proud (for; of) him.

10. —how soon will the manager be back?

in; after) three days.

. 根据汉语意思及英语提示,翻译下列句子。

11. 他们组还需要四个笔记本。(more)

12. 他最初不同意,可是后来他改变了主意。(however)

13. —我打算去看周五的足球比赛,你呢?

— 我也去。(so)

14. 你想参加下周的运动会吗?(take part in)

15. 无论你去那儿,我都跟着你。(no matter)


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