
发布 2022-07-23 13:45:28 阅读 3647


unit 7单元。

一、词汇。1.单词*****,pollution,prediction,future,environment,planet,earth,plant,peace,sea,sky,astronaut,apartment,rocket,space,human,servant,factory,japan,shape,side,holiday,wordpollute, plant, build, believe, disagree, agree, fall human, dangerous, possible, impossiblealready, even, inside, probably

2.短语:play a part, fall down, look for, be free, be in great danger, move to, fly rockets to themoon, get bored, look like ,be able to, agree/disagree with, wake up, take a holiday, keep a pet,s**etheearth,spendtimetogether,ontheearth,,worldpeace,blueskies,inanapartment,infactories,****** jobs, as areporter, the meanings of words, on a space station,over and overagain, hundreds of, free time, in the future,二、话题。


1.—what will the future be like?—cities will be more polluted.

2.—will people use money?—no, they won’t.

everything will be free.3.—will there be world peace?

—yes, i hope so.4.—will kids go to school?

kids won’t go to school. they’llstudy at home on computers.5.

—whatwill your life be like in 20 years?—i’ll be a reporter. and i willlive in beijing.


1. i think people will h**e robots in theirhomes in 100 years.2.

i don’t think people will use money in thefuture.3. there will be more pollution in the future.

4. there will beless free time in the future.三、知识点:

1. will的用法:


请观察下面句子,你能总结will句子结构特点吗?1) people will h**erobots in their homes.

2) people won’t usemoney because everything will be free.3) will we h**e tomove to other planets?4) what will thefuture be like?

2. there be用法:

thereis/are表示“经常习惯的一种状态有”,therewas/were表示“过去的一种状态有”,there will be表示“将来时间有”。用there be适当形式完成下面句子。

1a penand two books on the desk.2anew movie last week?

3) i thinkmore trees in the future.

4) do you thinkless pollution in 30 years?3. more,less, fewer用法:

请写出more, less和fewer的原级形式。



there will be more people. there will be more will be fewer trees. there will be lessfree time.


more既可修辞和less修辞fewer修辞___用more, less, fewer填空。

1)you are too fatand you should eat __meat.

2)although he is richer than me,he hasfriends.

3) people will h**etime to do sports for fun if they h**e robots.4)we can use lesswater and plant __trees to s**e the earth.4.


1) he will comeback from shanghaitwo weeks.2) jenny oftenstudies___her computer at home.

3) pandas are __danger. we should take care of them.4) how old willpeople's live___be?

5) tony is readinga bookanimals.

6) they will planthundreds __trees next spring.7) don’t wake me __i will keep on sleeping.四、训练。


1.—nothing in the world is __if you put your heart into it.—yes, i agree withyou.

a.importantb. impossible c.interestingd. necessary2.

—i hear that the london bridge is going to __really?sounds so terrible!

a.comedown b.lookdown c.fall downd.put down3.—mr. green,a foreign teacher __us english next week.

—really? i can’twait to see him.

a.teachesb.will teach c.are going to teach d.taught4.—henry,don't run in the hallways.—sorry,i __do that again.

a.shouldb.mustc.won'td.can’t5.—will your schoolh**e a sports meeting this term?—_it's in next month.

a.yes,it isb.yes,it willc.no,it isn'td.no,it won't6.—what’syour prediction about the future?

i __to the moon and mars(火星rocket.

a.will walk,by b.will fly,take c.will fly,byd. will go,take7.—what do you thinkof your job, jack?

—it’s so ******. ialways get

a. excitedb. interesting bored8.—do you like pets,jack?

sure. i think i’ll___some pets in my home in the future.


a. makeb. plantc. keepd. love9.—will there becomputers in people's homes?—_

a.yes,there will b.yes,there are c. no,there will d. no,it won't10.

—i thinkthat robots will be able to wake up and know where they are.—i __you. robots can never take the place of (代替) to b.

disagree to c. agree with d. disagree with二)完形填空。

todaysomestudentsgettogethertotalkaboutthefuture.__1_willthefuturebelike?thestudents make _2_ about it.

listen to them.

__3__ new york city keeps going the way it is,it will be more crowded and polluted,withworse air and more litter(垃圾).we need to learn to __4__ the environment,so we will h**e 11.

i think the future will be __6__.when your house is __7__,you just need to call your robotto help you do the housework. _8_ will be different. all the classrooms will h**e computers,and you __9__ h**e to take your schoolbags.

books will only be on computers, not on __10__.when you want to tr**el,a flying board(板) will take you anywhere. it will fly very fast,and itwill only take you an hour __11__ to china from the usa.

”—dorian,age 8.

i think that if we walk or ride bikes more,there will be __12_ pollution in the world in thefuture. then we will live in a better environment. people won’t use money because everythingwill be __13__.

and people will be able to __14__morethan 100 years old. no war in the future! ithink there __15__world peace and there will be only one country.

”—riddhi,age 10.1. a.

whenb. wherec. whatd.


2. a. promisesb.

predictions d. improvements3. a.

ifb. beforec. though d.


4. a. take upb.

look forc. takecare of d. play a part in5.

a. s**eb. will s**e d.

to s**e6. a. hotb.

coolc. boringd. terrible7.

a. oldb. fullc.

dirtyd. dangerous8. a.

schoolsb. stationsc. factories d.

hospitals9. a. willb.

won'tc. dod. don't

10. a. computer c.

*****d. wentc. goingd.

to morec. worsed. better13.

a. cheapb. dearc.

freed. expensive14. a.

liveb. live toc. live to be in

15. a. will h**e b. will bec. won’t h**e d. won’t be三)完成句子。


people will visit our school next month.(hundred)


few people will dosuch jobs in the future because they will make peoplebored)



itwillmake robots really think like a human. (difficult)4.下个月他家打算搬到武汉去。

his familywuhan next month. (move)5.每个人都应该参与拯救地球。

everyone shouldin s**ing the earth. (part)6.当你处于危险中,请拨打110.

when you areplease call at 110. (danger)7.他每个月飞往北京两次。

hebeijing twice a month.(fly)8.我认为2个月内我将能够学会弹吉他。

i think ilearn toplay the guitar in two months.9.下周一就会有一部新电影。

a new movie nextmonday.(will)10.你同意他的意见吗?

do youhim ?(agree)


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