
发布 2020-04-11 05:52:28 阅读 9428





1. a. mondayb. friday c. sunday d. day

2. a. missb. music c. mrd. mrs

3. a. fatb. tall c. bigd. bag

4. a. teab. coke c. milkd. egg

5. a. smartb. strict c. shortd. tofu

) c. morning d. tall

) english d. math

) b. cabbage c. potato d. kind


) 1. amy is 10old.

a. yearb. yearsc. yuan

) 2. tomatoesmy f**ourite food.

a. isb. arec. am

) 3. —what do you h**e dinner?

a. tob. forc. on

) 4. there aredays in a week.

a. sixb. elevenc. seven

) 5. i like ice-cream. it’s

a. sourb. sweetc. salty

)6、——your math teachermr zhao .

a、.what’s b、who’s c、where’s

)7、whatdo you __on saturdays?

a、is b、does c、do

)8、—is she quiet?

a、yes, she is. b、no, she is. c、yes, she isn’t.

9. -what can mike dohe can

a. running b. is walkingc. water the flowers

)10is your f**ourite fruit?

---i like sweet.

a. whatb. which c. what’s



基数词4. saturday(简写形式。

5. curtain(中文意思 table(中文意思。

中文意思8. 高的(翻译。

9. 看电视(翻译10. read(第三人称单数)


) 1. who’s your english teachera. yes, he is.

) 2. is he strictb. it’s monday.

) 3. what day is it todayc. mr green.

) 4. what do you do on sundayd. yes , i can.

)5. can you make the bede. play football.


thank you②reading ③this is④hold on⑤please


b:hello. mike. can i speak to your brother

a:sureplease. he’s a book.


)1. i often play basketball on tuesday afternoon.

)2. my friend is very smart. we all like him.

)3. my science teacher is tall and strong.

)4. my f**ourite day is thursday .because we h**e pe. on that day .

)5. our principal is very kind and old .


1. is day what it today?

2. the can bed you make (

3. clothes are closet the many in (

4. what is like she (?

5. i like grapes don’t (


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