
发布 2020-04-11 05:49:28 阅读 4146



)1. a. clever b. friend c. helpful d. shy

)2. a. monday b. friday c. weekend d. sunday

)3. a. thursday tv d. do homework

)4. b. tea c. salad d. hamburger

)5. a. sweet b. hot c. fish d. fresh

二、我会写。 (10分)

(反义词 (反义词。

反义词 (缩写形式。

完全形式 (复数形式。

is(缩写形式 (复数形式。

同音词 (完全形式。








english teacher is sbut he’s kind.(严格的)

isn’t a___积极的,活跃的)

is t星期四)

f**ourite food is ice s___甜的)

like fish, they’re f___新鲜的)


) who’s your english teacher ?

) what’s she like ? x k b1 . c o m

) is she strict?

) no, she isn’t. and she is kind.

) miss zhang.

) she’s tall and thin.


)1. is he younga. i h**e maths and music.

)2. what’s she likeb. i’d like a sandwich.

)3. what do you h**e on tuesdays? c. she’s kind.

)4. do you often read booksd. i’d like some tea.

)5. what would you like to eat? e. no, i don’t.

)6. what’s your f**ourite food? f. no, he isn’t.

)7. what would you like to drink? g. noodles.

七、英语小能手。连词成句。(10分), what , fridays , do , you , on , music , on , h**e , and , wednesdays .

,what , saturdays , do , on , do ?

4. to, would , like, what , you ,eat ?

homework, often, do , watch , my, and , tv .


) 1your art teacher? -mr young

a. what’s b. who’s c. where’s

) 2. do you read books __the weekend ?

a. on b. in c. at

) 3. she’s young __thin.

a. and b. but c. or

) 4. what __he like? 新课标第一网。

a. isb. amc. are

) 5. what do you h**emondays?

a. onb. forc. to

) 6. whatyou like to eat?

a. dob. h**ec. would

) 7you often play sports.

a. do c. does

) 8. what’s your f**ourite __

a. foods b. food c. food’s

) 9. we like sports. we __strong.

a. are b. is c. am

) 10. is he tall? ,he’s short.

he no, he isn’ no, he is.


sarah:hi, chen jie.

chen jie:hi, sarah. do you h**e new teachers?

satah:yes. we h**e three new teachers.

chen jie:who are they?

satah:an english teacher, a music teacher and a chinese teacher.

chen jie:wow, it’s so good. who’s your english teacher?

sarah:miss white. she’s very active. her class is so much fun. we all like her.

chen jie:what’s she like?

sarah:she’s tall and thin. she’s young. we h**e english class today.

chen jie:that’s great!

has three new teachers.

chinese teacher is a new teacher.

white is a music teacher.

white is short and thin.

has english class today.


五年级英语第七讲天骄学校。一 词形变换。would 缩略形式反义词同音词完全形式 not 缩略形式完全形式 housework 汉语复数。student 汉语10.看电视 英语。二 选择填空。1.ais your math teacher?b miss b.whatc.who 2.ashe like...


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