
发布 2020-04-11 05:48:28 阅读 4404



) morning b. breakfast c. afternoon

) 2. a. usually b. often c. sometimes d. noon

) 3. a. season b. november c. december d. january

) 4. a. third b. twelfth c. four d. second

) 5. a. uncle b. family c. father d. mother


) 1. i usually get up __6:30 __the morning.

a. on; at b. in; at c. at; in d. at; on

) 2. sometimes i do morning __at 7:00.

a. sport b. exercises c. exercising d. exercise

) 3. _day is september 10th.

a. teacher's b. teachers' c. teachers d. teacher

) 4. i often go __on sunday.

a. shoping b. shopping c. shop d. shops

) 5. it's always sunny __cool these days.

a. or b. and c. with d. to

) manydo you h**e a week?

a. music classes b. music class c. musics classes

) don’t know how___a card.

a、to make b、make c、to ******

) 8. why __you like singing?

a. is b. are c. does d. do

) 9. which season __it now?

a. am b. is c. are d. does

) 10. there are some __in the tree.

a. leaf b. leafs c. le**es d. le**eses


( )1、当你想要询问别人的生日是什么时候时,应该如何问:

a when do you h**e breakfast?

b when is your birthday?

( )2、打**时说:“我是小明”。该如何说:

a i am xiaoming.

b this is xiaoming .

( )3、“你最喜欢哪个季节?”如何说:

a which season do you like best?

b what are you doing now ?

( )4、我的生日是一月一日,用英语怎么说:

a my birthday is on january first.

b my birthday is in january first.

( )5、“你正在做什么?”如何表达:

a what are you doing?

b what do you do ?

( )6 what is your father doing ?如何回答:

a he is writing a letter.

b he is a teacher.

( )7、她正在做什么?如何表达:

a what is he doing ?

b what is she doing?

( )8、“你想问今天是几号”该如何说:

a what time is it ?

b what’s the date?

( )9、“新年是什么时候”怎样表达:

a when is children’s day?

b when is new year’s day?

( )10 are they eating the honey?肯定回答:

a no, they aren’t.

b yes, they are


序数词)__全写形式) _

后一个月) _基数词) _

缩写形式) _


) 1. when do you h**e english class? a. it's august 9th.

) 2. what do you often do

on the weekendb. because they are very beautiful.

) 3. why do you like flowers? c. zhang ping.

) 4. what's the date today? d. i often go hiking with my family.

) 5. who has a birthday in october? e. 9:00 in the morning.


)1、do morning exercises a.上英语课。

)2、h**e english class b.看望(外)祖父母。

)3、climb mountains c.弹钢琴。

)4、play the piano d.爬山。

)5、visit grandparents e.晨练。

)6、play sports f.种树。

)7、go hiking g.进行体育活动。

)8、fly kites h.堆雪人。

)9、make a snowman i.去远足。

)10、plant trees j.放风筝。


1 bill’s in june is uncle birthday (.

2 sleep because time a i long can (.

3 season which you do like best (?

4 sometimes visit grandparents my i (.

5 what do do you the on weekend usually (?


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