
发布 2020-04-01 05:24:28 阅读 5209

unit 1 my name’s gina

出题人: 严家俞审题人:祝崇浩。

section a 1a-2d


一、 汉译英。







1. ibe) bob white.

2. my namebe) gina.

3. -whatbe) your name? -i’m nancy.

4. -what’syou) name? -my name is betty.

5.--what’s this in engli**** __be) a clock.

is a girlshe) name is kate.

7. i am a boyi) name is bob.

8. -what’ she) name? -his name is jack.

9.--areyour) tomyes, i am.

10. isshe) name helen?


ab) )1. hello, boba. my name is kate.

)2. what’s your nameb. her name is mary brown.

)3. nice to meet youc. nice to meet you, too.

)4. what color is that clockd. it’s red.

( )5. what’s her namee. hi, lisa!



)1. -what’snamename is lucy.

a. your; i b. you; i c. your; my d. my; my

)2. -hello, eric. this __ginahi, gina. nice to meet you.

a. amb. is c. ared. be

)3. iliu dong and he __wang jing.

a. am; isb. am; are c. is; ared. is; is

)4are you, tonyi’m fine, thanks.

a. howb. what c. where d. who

)5you timyes, i___

a. are; am not b. is; am c. are; am d. is; am not

)6. -hello, kate. nice to meet you

a. how are youb. what’s your name?

c. nice to meet you, too! d. i’m fine.


1. the ball is green. (对划线部分提问)

is the ball?

2. her name is lin fang. (对划线部分提问)

her name?

3. are you jack?(作否定回答)

4. i am linda.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)


-- yes

5. my name is bob black.(改为同义句)

bob black.

section a 3a-3c


一、 写出下列词的完整形式。

i’m4. he’s5. she’s6. isn’t


1is a girlname is gina. (she)

2. what’she) name?

3. isyou) english name betty?

4i) name is tom.

5. it’syou) pen.

6. bob and ibe) good friend(朋友).

7. nicemeet) you, linda.

8be) you jim? -yes, ibe)



)1. -what’snamename is tom.

a. your; my b. his; her c. her; hisd. my; your

)2. -is tom his namenoisn’t.

a. heb. shec. itd. her

)3. -are you tomi’m bob.

a. yes, it is. b. yes, i am.. c. no, i’m not. d. no, it isn’t.

)4. -is he jimyes

a. he isb. it’sc. he’sd. i’m

)5this in engli****’s a pencil.

a. what b. what’sc. howd. how’s

)6. this is my brother(哥哥name is john.

a. heb. herc. shed. his


1. my name is tim brown.(对划线部分提问your name?

2. he is lin tao.(改为同义句is lin tao.

3. are you mike?(作肯定回答。

ruler is white.(对划线部分提问is the ruler?

5. kate is my name.(对划线部分提问isname?


a: good morning!

b: _1___

a: _2___your name, please?

b:__3___name is amy.

a: i __4___peter. nice to meet you.


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