
发布 2023-02-27 10:57:28 阅读 1192

grade 7 unit 6

reading a

重点单词 ]

1、adventure n. 意思是n. adventurer “冒险者”

eg : the man told the boys about his adventure.

也可作 vt / vi:冒险去做;使冒险。

eg : no man would adventure it.

2、towards prep. 意思是。

eg : she was walking towards town when i met her.

拓展】 prep对于:my friends were friendly towards her.

3、unknown adj. 意思是由 un + known(知名的)组成。

eg : he was an unknown painter one year ago。

拓展】在动词前加词根un- ,表示“不、没有”,或表示相反的动作,类似词汇还有happy--unhappy(不开心的),certain--uncertain(不肯定的),real--unreal(不真实的),fair—unfair(不公平的),lock--unlock(开锁)等。

4、pilot n. 意思是eg : my friend is a pilot.

5、huge adj. 意思是。

拓展】在现代口语中,big和large表示“大” ,常可互换,big较为口语化,large比较正式。huge通常强调尺寸、体积“庞大”,容量和数量“巨大”,但不强调重量。

eg : china is a big country. 中国是个大国(强调实力)

china is a large and beautiful country.


the elephant is a huge animal. 大象一种巨大的动物。(体积大)

he has a huge sum of money. 他有一大笔钱。(数量“大” )

6、shout v. 意思是过去时/过去分词直接+ed

shout at sb : 对某人叫嚷 。 eg : she shouted at me.

7、steel n. 意思是。

8、close 可作v. 表示关闭, closed adj.关闭的。

eg : it’s cold outside, please close the window.

the shop is closed.

拓展】close 本身还可作形容词,意为接近的,亲密的。

eg : the church is close to the school. 教堂在学校附近。

a close friend 一个亲密的朋友。

9、shake v. 意思是过去时shook , 过去分词shaken

eg : his voice shook with fear.

he shook his head.

10、trust 可作v使用,也可作n. 使用,意为“信任;信赖”,作动词= believe in

eg : you should trust/ believe in her.

i h**e no trust in him

对比:true adj. 真实的 truth n. 事实;真相。









1、he noticed two policemen coming thim.

2、my father flies a plane. he is a p

3、it’s very cold. please cthe window.

4、you can thim because he never tells a lie.

5、the bird is singing and jumping in the c

6、the storm made our hike a real a

7、sthe bottle before taking the medicine.

8、we landed on an uplanet.








1、the story probably takes place on another planet. 这个故事可能发生在另外一颗行星。

take place意思是。

辨析】 take place 与happen

take place常指事先安排、计划地发生。happen指事先无计划、偶然地发生。

eg:①great changes h**e taken place in our hometown over the years.


how does the accident happen? 事故是如何发生的?

2、towards evening , we landed on an unknown planet. 夜幕降临的时候,我们在一个没有人知道的行星很登陆了。

land on 意思是降落于,后一般加地点。land 作为动词时为:着落,降落,

eg : the plane landed safely.

3、lam brought us down gently in a valley.

复习gently,adv , 意思是形容词。

bring vt. 意思是过去时。

过去分词。辨析】 bring,take与carry


1)bring作“带来、拿来”解; take是bring的对语,作“带去、拿去”解。

eg : please bring your homework here tomorrow. (带来)

please take these books to the library for me. (带去)

take this empty box away and bring me a full one ,please.(拿走及带来)


eg : will you please carry the box for me? 你替我扛那个箱子好吗?

li dong is carrying water. 李东在提水

4、let’s get out of here. 我们离开这里吧。

▲ get out of 意为离开,另外还有逃避;摆脱;改掉。

eg : he got out of the bad habit.

let’s do ……用来提建议,意为让我们做…..吧。


1) shall we do …?我们做….好吗?(shall we + 动词原形)

shall we go to france ? 我们去法国好吗?

2) what about ….how about ….怎么样?(about + 动词ing形式)

what about / how about visiting hong kong? 游览香港怎么样?

3) why not do …?why don’t you do …?为什么不做….呢?

why not go to the zoo ? why don’t you go to the zoo ?


5、maybe it’s a friendly monster.

friendly adj.意思是比较级。

最高级。拓展】(1)friendly 为名词 friend + ly 变成的形容词。名词 + ly 一般变成形容词,有的同时也能作副词。

如 love爱 ––lovely可爱的 ;week 星期–– weekly(每周的)


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