
发布 2023-02-27 10:58:28 阅读 9159

unit 6 do you like bananas

一.tomatoes 西红柿 tomatoes是tomato的复数形式。以字母o结尾的有生命词,其复数形式在词尾加-es。my sister likes西红柿 very much.

[口诀] 黑人英雄爱吃西红柿和马铃薯。potatoes negroes (黑人) heroes tomatoes

二. how about …?相当于 what about …?意为 “…怎么样?


how about nine o’clock? 9点钟怎么样? i like strawberries. how about __她?

what about h**ing hamburgers? 吃汉堡包怎么样? what about踢足球)?

三.. let’s h**e … 是一个祈使句,表示“让我们吃/喝……吧让我们吃 some ice-cream.

[归纳] h**e是多义词,归纳如下:(1) 有,拥有; i h**e a new watch.

(2) 吃,喝milk and some bread.让我们喝些牛奶,吃些面包。

四。 like: like是及物动词(vt.

),意为“喜欢”“愿意”“想要”,后面可以加名词,代词宾客,动词不定式(to + v. 原形)或动名词(v. -ing)作宾语。

1.后接名词 she likes music. 他喜欢非常孩子。

2.接人称代词宾格作宾语i like我非常喜欢她。

3. like to do sth. 表示一次或示发生的动作;like doing sth. 表示习惯性的动作 ;

4.(接v. -ing作宾语)tom喜欢打 basketball but he doesn’t like to play it this afternoon.

接v. 不定式作宾语)they likewith us. 他们喜欢和我们一起去。

sb. to do sth. i don’t like him to eat like that.

⑤like…a lot=like…very much非常喜欢。如: i like my mother

⑥like…a little 有点喜欢。如: —do you like basketball? —yes, i like it a little.

6. 补充: like作介词,表示“像……一样”。例如:

you are like your father. 你长得像你爸爸。

lucy’s hat looks like my cat. lucy的帽子看起来像我的猫。 其中be like=look like。

五。 orange 橙子 i like oranges. 橙汁 help yourself to some oranges, please./ a cup of orange

橙色的 an orange is orange.

六。 well 的用法:⑴副词好,令人满意地,修饰动词: runner eats well./ she plays the guitar well.

形容词,身体健康的 how is your grandpa? he is quite well.

比较: good 好的(形容词—常置于名词之前) well (副词—常置于动词之后)

mr. black is a __teacher. john swims very


he is a __player,and he plays football

七。 1. eat v. 吃 .作及物动词用时后面可接名词做宾语,表示“吃……”如:

eat some apples, please. 请吃苹果。也可作不及物动词,如: we eat three times a day.


eat常和具体的食物名词连用,也可单独使用。如:the boy likes eating strawberries.


she has breakfast at 7:00 am. do you like eating / h**ing chicken? 你喜欢吃鸡肉吗?


用作形容词,意思是“身体健康的;对健康有益的”,可用来修饰名词,还可单独在句子中作表语。如:he likes healthy food.

many fast foods(很多快餐 )are not healthy. he is healthy. 反义词:


health用作名词,意为“健康;健康状态”。 在句中可做主语或宾语。

如:his health is not good. 他的健康状况不佳。

vegetables are good for your health. 蔬菜有益于你的健康。

eatingfood is good for our

九。 i like chicken for dinner. 晚饭我喜欢鸡肉。

1. “like + 食品名词 + for + 某餐”表示“某人喜欢吃什么”。如:

— what __youdinner? 晚饭你喜欢吃什么?

— i like vegetables and rice for dinner. 晚饭我喜欢蔬菜和米饭。

she __bread and milk __breakfast. 早餐他喜欢牛奶和面包。

2. for是介词prep. (表示目的)为了;因为;至于;对于;适合于后跟名词或代词宾格。

for lunch… 至于午饭……

for___english is very important. 对于我们来说,英语是非常重要的。

晚饭他喜欢吃鸡肉。 he likes chicken

十。 eating habits 饮食习惯。

eating habits 意为“饮食习惯”,其中eating是动名词作定语,修饰habits。类似短语还有: swimming pool 游泳池 reading room 阅览室 running star 跑步明星。

十一。 breakfast的用法

(1)泛指“早饭”,前面不加冠词,例如:at what time do you h**e breakfast? 你什么时候吃早点?

chinese h**e porridge(粥) for breakfast. 中国人早饭吃粥。


he had a quick breakfast this morning. 他今天早餐吃得很快。

(3)h**e sth. for breakfast. 早餐吃……

注:以上用法通用于lunch和supper,另外“吃早(午,晚)餐”常用h**e breakfast/lunch/supper。

12. want 用作动词,意为“要;想要”,其常见用法如下:

1. want sth. 想要某物i want some rice. 我想要些米饭。

2. want to do sth. 想要去做某事 shea question. 她想问个问题。

3. want sb. to do sth. 想要某人去做某事。

jackto go to school with __杰克想让我和他一起去上学。

1)我想变得健康。i wanthealthy. 2)我想成为一名好学生。 ia good student.

练习: 选词填空。(breakfast, eat, healthy, well, real )

1. d**e’s brother plays soccer very2. forwhat does she like?

3. ice-cream is not good. let’s eat some __food.

4. i’m hungry (饥饿的). can i __some bread? 5. —do you___like hamburgers?

十三。 what about意为“……怎么样?”用于提建议,后面接名词或是动词加-ing。

如:— what about this skirt? 这条裙子怎么样?— it’s very beautiful. 它很漂亮。

how aboutthe piano? 弹钢琴怎么样?


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