
发布 2020-04-01 05:23:28 阅读 5972

unit 5 do you h**e a soccer ball?

出题人: 朱艳审题人:卢永华。

section a 1a – 2d


. 根据**提示完成句子。

1. kitty has a

2. tony has a __

3.--does li dong h**e ayes

4.--does mike __a baseball? -no, he __he has a __

5.--does jim __a tennis ball? -yes

.用h**e 和has 填空。

1. a: do you __a soccer ball?

b: no , i don’t.

a: what about lily?

b: i think she __one.

2. the students __new books , but they don’t __any color pencils.

3. mickey __a big pencil box. jenny __a big one,too. nancy __a small one.

4. does your brother __a ping-pong bat?


单项填空。 )1. _he __a ping-pong ball?


) 2you __a baseball bat? -yes,i __

a. do; h**e; h**e b. does; h**e; h**e

c. do; h**e ; do d. does; has; does

) 3. maria has two __

a. ping-pongs bats bats bat bat

) 4she h**e a blue pen? -no, she doesn’t.

a. does d. don’t

) 5. he __a computer.

a. doesn’t has h**e c. doesn’t h**e don’t

) 6your father h**e a brother? -yes,he __

a. do;do does do

) 7. -do __h**e a baseball? -yes,i do.

a. he

) 8. let __play soccer.

a. we b. i c. us d. they

( )9toma nice volleyball? -yes, he does.

a. do; has b. do; h**e c. does; has h**e

) five basketballs.

a: has b. doesn’t h**e c. h**e not


1. i h**e soccer.***否定句) ia soccer.

2. bob has a baseball.***一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

bob __a baseball? -yes

3. lucy doesn’t h**e a tennis ball.***肯定句) lucya tennis ball.

4. does she h**e a volleyball?(作否定回答she

5. he has a baseball bat.***复数句baseball


1. let __we) play soccer.

2. _do) he h**e a basketball?

3. let him __get) it.

4. lindanot h**e) a soccer.

5. does maryh**e) two books?

6. kate __h**e) a baseball and a volleyball.

7. come on! we __be) late.

8. thesevolleyball) are his .

9. my friend __play) soccer.

10. where arewe) ping-pong bats?


例:you ,no

---do you h**e a ping-pong bat?

---no, i don’t.

1. you, yes

2. jack ,yes

3. jane ,no

4. tom and linda ,yes

5. they , no


1bob h**e a ping-pong ball?

---no, hehea soccer ball.

2. sally __a watch and it __very nice.

3mike and bill h**e a volleyball? -no, they don’t.

4. wetennis bats. but we __h**e a tennis ball.

5. -what __these? -they __baseball bats.

6. we are __for school.

7. your jacket is on the chair. let me __it for you.

8. where is __baseball bat?


1. 我有一个篮球。

i __a2.“你有排球吗?”“是的,我有。”

you __ayes, i

3. 我妹妹有一只乒乓球拍。

my sister __a


没有”tom __a baseballno, he

4. 我爸爸没有网球。

my fathera tennis ball.

5. 让我们踢足球吧!

let’s. 根据图画提示完成对话,每空一词。

d**id: i 1.__two 23.__you h**e a volleyball?

tom: 4i 5but i h**e a basketball.

d**id: 6play tennis.

tom: i 7.__h**e a tennis bat .let’s 8.__basketball.

d**id : 9.__great!

section a 3a-3c



1. i h**e a ping-pong ball. let’s p___ping-pong.

2. i h**e a volleyball, but my sister d___

3. -let’s play soccer. -that s___good.

4. -i h**e two ping-pong bgreat! i h**e a ping-pong ball. let’s play it.


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