
发布 2023-12-09 00:50:10 阅读 5900

unit 8 when is your birthday?

出题人: 廖娣凤审题人:郑雪峰。

section a 1a- 2e

a 教材要点回归。


new year’s day is

2is women’s day.

3is tree planting day.

theis children’s day.

is on 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子。

1. my生日) is on match 26th.

2十月)1st is an important festival for chinese.

3. there are twelve min a year.

4. fis between (在……之间)january and march.

5. jcomes after june.

6. ais before may.


1he)birthday is on april 4th.

2. mymother) birthday is on march 12th.

3. thefive) month of a year is may.

4. when istony) birthday.

5. let’ssay) “happy birthday” to amy. it’sher) birthday today.

b 知识综合运用。

单项填空。 ) isbirthday party?

a. vera b. vera’s c. she d. she’s

) 2second day of this month is september 2th.

a. a b. the c. an d. /

) 3are you? -i’m 12.

a. how much b. how many c. how old d. /

) 4. -when is your birthday party? -it’s4:00 in the afternoon.

a. on b. at c. in d. of

)5is the twelfth month of a year.

a. january b. february c. november d. december

) 6. his birthday isjune 3rd.

a. on b. in c. at d. for

) 7. -when is your daughter’s birthday? -it’sseptember

a. on b. in c. at d. with

) 8. -happy birthday to you

a. the same to you b. thank you c. you’re welcome ok

)9. my birthday party isthe morning of july 1st.

a. in b. at c. after d. on

) h**e an art festivalapril 5th each year.

a. at b. on c. in d. to


a: how are you , kangkang?

b: 1and you?

a: i am fine, too. my birthday is coming . do you want to come?

b: ok!2

a: my birthday is on september 10th.

b: oh!3

a: yes , it is .

b: 4a: thank you. my parents wants to h**e a birthday party for me.

b: 5a. when is your birthday?

b. happy birthday to you!

c. i’m ok.

d. that sounds great!

e. it’s teachers’ day!


1. januarya. new year’s day

2. februaryb. tree plantint day

3. marchc. fool’

4. aprild. national day

5. maye. teachers’ day

6. junef. spring festival

7. julyg. christmas day

8. augusth. thanksgiving day

9. septemberi. founding of cpc

10. octoberj. mother’s day

11. novemberk. army day

12. decemberl. father’s day



is your __tom?--my birthday is on

2. “你妹妹的生日是什么时候?”


is yourbirthday?

---her birthday is on

3. 李平的生日是12月8日。

li ping’s birthday is on

4. “你的生日是4月8日吗?”

是的”your birthday onyes

5. 汤姆的生日不是6月19日。

birthdayon june

6. “你多大了?” 我12岁。”

are you? -i’mold.

section a 3a---3c

a. 教材要点回归。


1. -when is yao ming’s birthday?--his birthday is on9月12日)

2.--when is liu xiang’s birthday?--his birthday is on7月13日)

3. her生日) is on november 16th.

4. is your birthday in八月)?

5二月) is after january.

6. the第二十) girl is my cousin.

7. his birthday is on四月) tenth.

. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. how oldbe) your parents?

2. when isd**id) birthday?

3. there are twelvemonth) in a year.

4. junetwelve) is his birthday.

5. march is thethree) month of a year.

birthday is on october thetwo).

learn lessonfive).

and tonybe) 20 years old.

9. today isshe) birthday.


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