2024年春季六年级英语1 3单元检测

发布 2020-03-29 05:16:28 阅读 5539


pep版 unit 1-- unit 3 2024年春季)


一、字母及语音。( 13分)


2. 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项。(5分)

) a. please b. head c. sweater d. breakfast

) a. these b. they c. thank d. that

) a. window b. no c. now d. load

) b. hair c. pear d. beer

) a. who b. where c. what d. when





h**e a coldtaller

2 按要求改写下列单词。(10分)


long(比较级thin( 比较级。





( )tiger is than a mouse.

a. small b. bigger c. big d. smaller

) to music last sunday

a. b. listened c. listen d. listenes

( )with you,mike?

a. a matter b. the matter c. matter d. an matter

( )4do you feel? —i feel angry.

a. where b. what c. how d. do

( )5. does your nose ? no,my leg .

c. hurt,hurts d. hurts, hurt

) 158 cm is 155 cm tall. i’m than mike.

a. shorter b. taller c. longer d. thinner

( )7. mr liu doesn’t___football.

a. liking b. likes c. like d. liked

( )8. sarah is sick. she tired.

b. lookc. looks d. like

)9. there are __in the picture.

a. some women b. some womans c. some womens d. some woman

( )10. did you __the full moon last night?

a. see b. saw c. so d. sees


) nick feel

( )did you do yesterday? b. yes,he does.

( )he**y are youc. i h**e a sore throat.

) bag is biggerd. i’m 30 kg.

)5. what’s the mattere. i went hiking.


does johnfeel)?

(watch) tv last night.

(be)busy last weekend.

manybook) are there on the desk?

5. the boy isshort) than the girl.



连词成句]4. my name is jack. [改为同义句]

5. he watches tv everyday. [把everyday改为yesterday]

七。阅读短文,按要求完成题目。 (10分)

hi, i'm liu yang. last weekend i visited my uncle and aunt in hangzhou.

i went there by bus. i got to hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning. then

my aunt, my cousin---tony and i took a taxi to the west lake(西湖). we

went there quickly because my uncle is the taxi driver. we rowed the boat on

the lake.

then we went to the taiziwan park on foot. it was a hot day. the sun was shining in the sky.

we felt hot and hungry. we sat under a big tree and had

our lunch. we ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas.

tony saw a fish in the water. so we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread.

more and more fish swam to us and opened their mouths. we fed them. we

were very happy that day.

1. 根据短文内容,判断正误。(正确的打“√”错误的打“×”

) 1)liu yang lives in hangzhou.

) 2) jenny went to the west lake by train.


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