六年级英语13 15课备课 1

发布 2020-03-28 23:17:28 阅读 4213

lesson 13 summer is coming! 教学设计。


1四会单词:le**es, grass, flowers, sandals。










教学过程:一 greeting and review:

1 t: hello, boys and girls. are you ready for english class?

ok. now, let’s begin our english class.

today, we are going to learn lesson 13, summer is coming. what’s the meaning?

do you know?

二 new concepts:

一) no. 1

1 t: i h**e some questions for you:

how many seasons are there in a year?

what are they? (课件出示四季幻灯片)

t: please look at the trees carefully. what happens to the le**es in the different seasons?

“le**es”, do you remember? what’s the meaning? can you read it?

read and spell it. recite it. (出示le**es单词卡片, 并粘在黑板上)

it’s the plural form, the singaler form is “leaf”.

t: look at the le**es in winter? do the trees h**e any le**es in winter?

the trees don’t h**e any le**es in winter.) 板书 the trees --le**es in --

t: how about in spring? do the trees h**e any le**es in spring?

are the le**es new or old?

(yes, the trees h**e new le**es in spring.)

t: what colour are summer le**es? (green)

do you know summer le**es can make you cool?

so, trees h**e cool, green le**es in summer. say it, please.

t: look at the le**es in fall. do the trees h**e cool, green le**es in fall?

the trees lose their le**es in fall.

“lose”, what’s the meaning? here, it means “失去”.

what colour are fall le**es? (yellow, orange, red)

t: class, different seasons, different trees and le**es. can you say the differences about the le**es ?

2 t: now, let’s talk about the weather of the four seasons.

how’s the weather in winter? (cold and snowy) (板书 the weather is --in --

in spring? (warm and rainy)

what are these? do you like spring flowers?

出示单词卡片flowers, 并领读,拼读,背诵单词)

how’s the weather in summer?

is the weather hot and sunny in fall?

3 t: this time, can you tell me the clothes you wear in the four seasons?

what do you wear in summer? (板书 i wear myin

在学生回答时,适时出示单词sandals, 并领读,拼读,背诵单词。)

t: how about in spring? in winter? in fall?

4 t: now, take out your chart, please fill in the blanks of these three lines, the trees, the weather, and the clothes. please just write down the key ok.

t: who wants to show your chart? please come here. (实物投影显示学生**)

5 t: now, let’s listen and read the no.1.

二) no.2 and no.3

1 t: there are four seasons in a year. what’s your f**ourite season?

t: but my f**ourite season is summer. because i like to lie on the grass in summer.

“grass”, do you know? (出示单词卡片grass, 并领读,拼读,背诵单词)

i like to lie on the grass in summer. (板书i like to --in

do you like to lie on the grass in summer?

t: i like to lie on the grass in summer. i like to wear my shorts and sandals in summer.

i like to swim in summer. they are my summer fun. “summer fun” ,what’s the meaning?

t: what’s your summer fun? what do you like to do in summer?

2 t: let’s listen to the no.2 and no.

3, then tell me: what’s jenny’s summer fun? what’s li ming’s summer fun?

t: let’s read it.

3 t: this time, please talk about your winter fun, spring fun, and fall fun in groups. and then write them down on your chart.

t: this boy/girl, can you tell us your winter fun/spring fun/ fall fun?


t: i’ll give you your homework. please choose one season, and then write a passage.

冀教版lesson14《tomorrow we will play》教学设计。


知识目标:will, skip, fly, very, park...

能力目标:学会在将来时态中使用 “will”






2、用表示处所的**和相应的动作单词卡片练习句型let's go to the __场所)to __动词) _名词)。

eg: let’s go to the bathroom to wash our hands.

let’s go to the living room to watch tv.

let’s go to the gym to play ping -pong.

let’s go to the park to fly kite.

3、做游戏“memory card”来复习动词的三种时态:

挑选10个左右动词,分别写出他们的三种时态。教师把单词卡片分成 “过去,现在,将来”三种时态放在黑板前,首先让同学记忆单词一分钟,然后让他们挑出相应单词三种形式组合在一起,并贴在黑板相应的位置上。看那组记得准。

4、介绍will是be going to的另一种表达方法,然后在黑板上将来时态的局部加出第四栏,给出一个will的例子,同学试着填充其他动词的这一局部。


将同学分成若干小组,告诉同学我们明天要去公园,请小组合作制作一项计划,围绕 “what will you do in the park?”展开讨论,并把商议结果以对话的形式汇报。



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