1 3单元测试题六年级

发布 2020-03-29 05:13:28 阅读 2782

六年级英语上册units 1-3 综合检测题。


i.语音(10分 a.从下列各组字母中选出所含元音因素与其他三项不同的选项(5)

)1. a. jj b. gg c. kk d. hh

)2. a. cc b. hh c. gg d. dd

)3. a. ll b. ii c. nnd. mm

)4. b. ddc. ee d. bb

)5. a. jj b. aa c. kk d. ff


)6. yellow a. how b. color c. good d. ok

)7. bus a. but b. ruler c. computer d. blue

)8. dale a. that b. grace c. thank d. red

)9. white a. fine b. quilt c. is d. this

)10. evening a. spell b. red c. green d. pen

ii. 单项选择。(20分)

)11. what’s this __english? a. at b. in c. of

)12. i __frank. this __ben.

a. am; am b. is; is c. am; is

)13. -lookit’s a pencil.

a. what’s your name? b. what’s that in english?

c. what’s your english name?

)14. 班级来了一个新同学,你问。

a. hi, what’s this? b. is it your name?

c. hi, what’s your name, please?

)15. 询问同学自行车的颜色,你问。

a. what’s your bike? b. what color is your bike?

c. is it a pen?

)16. 英语字母中有两个可以独立成词,他们分别是___和___

a. i; a b. i; o c. a; e

)17. look! that’s __desk.

a. my b. a my c. my a

)18you wei hua?

---yes, i___

a. are, am b. are, is c. are, am

( )19. -sit down, please.

a. ok b. yesc. thank you

)20fine, thank you.

a. good morning, eric! b. how are you, eric?

c. are you ok, eric?

)21. the fifteenth letter (第十五个字母) in the english alphabet (字母表) isa. g b. m c. o

q-u-i-l-t, quilt.

a. what color is it? b. how are you?

c. spell it, please.

) good student. a. is b. are c. be

)24.——are you ok, tommy?

yesa. thank b. thanks you c. thanks

)25. 找出都是三笔完成的一组字母是。

a. aehif c. nkhie

)26. —color is it?

it’s green. a. what’s b. what c. how

)27.——hello, helen!

eri a. good b. hi c. well

) is___map and that is___english book.

a. an; a b. a; a c. a; an

) 29.——how do you do

a. how are you? b. hello! c. how do you do?

) 30it’s a book.

a. where’s it b. how is it c. what’s that

iii. 阅读理解(15分)a

根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的用(t), 错误的用(f)

at school i h**e a good friend. he is an english boy. his name is tom.

he is twelve. we are in no.10 middle school.

we’re not in the same class. he is in class 4, grade 1. i’m in class2, grade 1.

tom’s sister is not a student. her name is jane. she is five.

she’s a nice girl.

miss liu is our english teacher. she is thirty. mr.

liu is tom’s english teacher .he is thirty, too. they’re good friends and good teachers.

)31. tom is american. (32. we aren’t in the same school

)33. tom is in class four, grade one.

) is tom’s sister.

)35. miss liu is tom’s english teacher..

bjenny is an english girl. she is a nice girl, and she is my good friend. my name’s amy.

my father is john. my mother is helen. jack is my brother.

i like them. i like singing. jack likes reading.

my f**orite(最喜欢的)color is blue. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

36. jenny is___

english boy b. a english girl

c. an english boy d. an english girl

37. amy’s mother is___

a. jack b. jenny c. amy d. helen

38. amy likes___

a. singing b. reading c. writing d. drawing

39. what is amy’s f**orite color?

a. red. b. blue. c. orange. d. green.

40. jenny is my___

a. mother b. sister c. friend d. teacher

iv. 选出适当的句子完成对话。(10分)

a: good morning, miss white.

b: (41mr. black.

a: (42

b: i’m fine, thanks. and you?

a: (43

b: (44

a: it’s a kite.

b: spell it, please.

a: k-i-t-e,kite.

b: thank you. (45

a: it’s blue and yellow.

b: thanks.



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