
发布 2020-08-18 18:51:28 阅读 8657

六年级英语单元测试题(unit 2 )




4.天烛湖5. 锦绣中华11.工艺品。

6. potala some the world __

9. study hard10. model earth



(反义词 (比较级 (复述。

全称反义词 (复数)__

过去式 (最高级反义词。



1. start car2. tooth weather3. there thank( )

4. looks apples5. hits liked (


1. last year, tim was __weak )than tom.

2. please give me your __small) hat.

3. look, the boys are___play ) football.

china isbig ) model park in the world .

5. he is the __tall) of the two boys, but he is the___young)in our class.


)1. black mountain is 3500___tall,but the wind can go 280___hr(每小时)there.

a. cm , kg b. kg ,km c. m,km

) didn’t like __he was weak.

a. exercise b. to exercise c. exercised

)3. ted 获得冠军,你可以说:

a. thank you! b. congratulations ! c. you are the winner.

)4. 当我不小时踩到你并道歉说sorry,你可以怎么说:

a. that’s all right b. be careful c. you are right

)5. tom is __than mary.

a. happy b. happier c. happiest

)6. splendid china is the biggest model __in the world.

a. park b. mountain c. lake

)7. the changjiang river is __river in china.

a. long b, longer c. the longest

)8. which box is __the yellow one the red one or the black one?

a. he**y b. the he**iest c. he**ier

)9. elephants are the __animals on land .

a. tallest b. he**iest c. loudest

)10. this year , i’m taller __stronger.

a. and b. than c. or


1. which __has this flag? it’s

2. what’s the name of this __that’s black mountain.

3. what’s the __city in china? chongqing.

4. what’s the __river in china? it’s the changjiang river.

water___a lot of yellow sand and this gives the river its colour.

to china’svillages.

九、书面表达(5) [世界上有许多之最和中国也有许多之最,请同学写出至少5句之最。]


堽城一小六年级英语1 3单元答题卷 本试卷满分100分,考试时60分钟 姓名学号分数。字母语音部分 共20分 1 按字母表顺序和四线三格要求书写26个大小写字母。四线三格自己画10分 2 写出5个元音以及字母的音标。字母要求大小写,音标要有音标符号 3 选出读音不同的单词。填字母 1 a name ...


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六年级英语单元测试题 二

2011 2012学年度下学期。期中复习 班级姓名等级。听力部分。一 听录音,选出与听到的内容相符的选项填入题前括号内。163cmb.196cmc.193cm youngerb.strongerc.longer biggerb.thinnerc.longer tallerb.olderc.short...