
发布 2020-08-23 09:11:28 阅读 3209




( )does he work? a. he‘s mike.

( )2. what do you often do? b. i like playing the violin.

( )3. how do you go to school? c. yes,she does.

( )4. what is your mother? d. you’re welcome.

( )5. who‘s this boy? e. he works in a cinema.

( )6. what are you going to do? f. he is a worker.

( )7. what’s your hobby? g. i go to school by bike.

( )8. does she teach math? h. i often read news*****s.

( )9. thank you very much. i. my mother is a nurse.

)10. what does your father do?j. i‘m going shopping.


1. i teach lessons. i am a .

2. i clean streets. i am a

3. i sing songs. i am a .

4. i dance. i am a .

5. i drive cars. i am a .

6. i write stories. i am a .

7. he helps people be safe. he is a .

8. she reports the news. she’s a .

9. this person plays in the tv show. she is .

10. he helps the sick people. he is a .


1.she’s my aunt.(就划线部分提问)

is the woman?

2.she goes to hong kong by plane.(就划线部分提问)

she go to hong kong?

3.my father is a worker.(就划线部分提问)

your father do?

4.my sister works in a factory(就划线部分提问)

does your sister work?

5.he cleans streets.(改写同义句)

he is a


yun’s brother is __artist.

a. an b .a c. /

likeswith numbers.

a. works b. working c. work

3your aunt work in a factory?

a. is b. do c. does

4your uncle a baseball player?

a. is b. are c. does

5sister is a lovely girl.

a. wu yifan b. wu yifan’s c. he

sales things in a shop. he is a

a. singer b. writer c. salesperson

black is ahe __computer science.

a. teach, teaches b. teacher, teach c. teacher, teaches

are you

a. going to b. going c .going to do

9.--where does your friend

---he lives in beijing.

a lives b. live c. live in

motherto work by subway. his motherto work by taxi.

a. go, go b. goes .go c. goes goes

六、排列成正确的句子。 (10分)

factory, a, who, car, works

yuan , helping,likes,people

my, that, is, uncle

you, what, going, are, to

is, really, she

6. does what father your do

7. is actress she an

where work he

9. bus by goes school to she

hospital a works she


dad’s a cleaner at the zoo

2. her father goes to work by bicycle

3. she works in a car factory

4. tom designs cars

5. she often helps tourists find their way


ming is一个售货员).

goes to hong kong乘飞机).

打扫) streets on weekdays.

draws 一位画家).

work in a police station. i am a男警察).

九.reading comprehension. (阅读短文,判断句子。对的打“√”否则打“x”。共10分)

mike:what are you going to be,john?

john:i like math,so i'm going to be an accountant.

mike:what about you,zhang peng?

zhang peng:i like helping people,i can work for the police. so i'm going to be a policeman.

what about you,sarah?

sarah:i like singing, so i'm going to be a singer. and you? wu yifan?

wu yifan:i'm here. i like cleaning the streets,so i'm going to be a cleaner.

) 1. john is going to be an accountant.

) 2. zhang peng likes math.

) 3. sarah wants to be a singer.

) 4. wu yifan doesn’t like cleaning the streets.

) 5. mike is going to be a


can, lessons, actress, tourist, zoo, designs, takes, to, hard, motor.

1. she __cars.

2. if you like drawing and math, you __be an engineer.

3. she often helps __find their way.

4. she goes to work by __cycle.

5. i teach

work __every day for us.

8. this is my

9. he __me __school.

10. she’s an __on tv.




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