人教新版 六年级英语上册第五单元测考试试题

发布 2020-08-23 09:12:28 阅读 7029



1. f __h2. _s __

3. _w4. p __r

5. _u6. _i __

二、填入所缺的字母, 使其成为一个完整的单词并翻译成中文 (10分)

1. _at2. pen__ l

3. apr4. _cond

5. g__ d


library电影院watch tv牙疼。

farming图书馆wait for头疼。

cinema七月play football看电视。




of , with, at, in bed, in, on , thank you, must, doing, play basketball

is something wrongmy watch

go to the parkweekends.

is an old photomy family.

usually gets up6:45.

___go home now.

readit’s bad for your eyes

plant treesspring.

8.“what is heshe is reading

birthday to you! b

will __with mike this week.


)1. 当你想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,你要问:

a. where is the eraser?

b. where is the pen?

c. where is it from?

)2. 当你提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,你会说:

a. don’t read in bed, xiao ming!

b. don’t be late for school, xiao ming!

c. don’t play ball in the room, xiao ming!

)3. 当你想知道别人能看见几辆汽车时,你可以问:

a. how much is the car?

b. how many cars can you see?

c. i can see five cars.

)4. 当你想知道别人是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,你要问:

a. do you like the green car?

b. what is the car like?

c. i’m looking for a green car.

)5. 当你想知道别人会不会骑马时,你可以问:

a. can you make a bike?

b. can you ride a bike?

c. can you ride a horse?

)6. 当你想要一杯茶时,你要说:

a. i’d like a cup of tea.

b. would you like a glass of tea?

c. may i h**e a bottle of tea?

)7. 当你想知道新电视机的颜色时,你要问:

a. where is the new tv?

b. what’s a tv?

c. what colour is the new tv?

)8. 当你想知道别人是否有钢琴时,你可以问:

a. h**e you got a dictionary?

b. h**e you got a piano?

c. may i use your piano?

)9. 当你要了解别人是否喜欢游泳时,你应该问:

a. do you like swimming?

b. do you like running?

c. do you like pingpong?

)10. 当你想知道这些物品是谁的时,你要问:

a. whose are these?

b. whose are those?

c. who are they?


)1. i’v got a toothache. i’m going to the

a. parkb. dentistc. teacher

)2. -may i __your bike?


a. rideb. readingc. read

)3. -whose ruler is it?

maybe it’s

a. peterb. petersc. mary’s

)4. i want to find a good book. i’m going to the

a. cinemab. libraryc. classroom

)5. -will you do?

i’ll play football.

a. whatb. whenc. where


ab )1. what does he doa. she is going to the cinema.

)2. what does she dob. he is old and fat.

)3. what is it likec. she is a dentist.

)4. what is he liked. he is a doctor.

)5. where is she goinge. it’s long and black.


john: when is my birthday, mum?

mum: your birthday is in may.

john: and when is my father’s birthday?

mum: his birthday is in april.

john: and you, mum?

mum: my birthday is in june.

john: oh, dear! father is only one month older than me, and i am one month older than you, mum!

) birthday is in january

) father’s birthday is in april.

) mother’s birthday is in june.

) father is only one month older than john.

) is one month older than his mother.


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