
发布 2022-11-24 14:11:28 阅读 1424



本篇教学设计是a let’s talk和a let’s learn单词及b let’s learn的water和cake的整合教学,分两课时完成。第1课时侧重在语篇中感知学习词汇和句型,第2课时侧重词形的认读训练,强化听说读写技能并进一步巩固主句型。本课是第一课时。

a let’s talk部分通过mike与妈妈吃早餐的场景让学生感知核心句型i’d like some…\h**e some …,too.的语义及语用情境,并让学生学会表达自己想吃的食物以及为别人提供食物或请别人吃食物。a let’s learn以 sarah和妈妈在厨房中的对话为情境,呈现要学习的四个食物单词。

食物类单词milk和egg在字母例词**现过。let’s play部分通过句子接龙游戏,帮助学生巩固记忆食物单词以及句型i’d like some…。


1.能力目标:能在**、实物和情境的帮助下运用i’d like some…表达想吃的食物以及用h**e some …\here you are.为别人提供食物或请别人吃食物。

2.知识目标:(1)能够理解对话大意并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。(2)听懂、会说句型i’d like some…,please.

\h**e some …\here you are.\thanks.(3)能够听懂、会说(看图或实物)三个食品类单词egg, bread, cake以及三个饮料类单词milk,juice, water。




听懂、会说句型i’d like some…,please.\h**e some …\here you are. \thanks.

并能用 6个食物单词替换练习。

2.难点:能在真实的情境中运用i’d like some…表达想吃的食物以及用h**e some …\here you are.为别人提供食物或请别人吃食物。




step1 preparation

1. 利用主情境图导入本单元话题,引导学生了解本单元的主要内容。

1)t:(师呈现本单元主情境图课件或使用教学挂图或让学生看书)who can you see in the picture? sarah, chen jie, john, chen jie’s father and chen jie’s mother.

where are they? what are they doing? they’re h**ing a picnic.

what food do they h**e? (生可用会说的英语回答,也可用汉语说。师据学生的回答把本课要学习的6幅食物图贴黑板左边并说出其正确的英语发音)

2)would you like some juice? would you like some bread? can you guess what we are going to learn?

please choose from the topics below?

a. 颜色 b. 动物 c.介绍别人 d. 食物。

2. enjoy the song.

step2 presentation

1. 教学食物:juice, bread, egg

1)师呈现a let’s talk课件或本部分。


t: who can you see? look at mike and his mother.

what are they doing? are they h**e a picnic ? they’re h**ing breakfast at home.

what do they h**e for breakfast? what can you see on the table?

2)教师用果汁、面包和鸡蛋的食物或**引出图中单词juice, bread,egg并进行教读,接着通过小组读、**车读等形式操练其发音。。(学生只是根据实物或**听说即可,不出现词卡)


2. 教学句型:i’d like some…,please.

1)师再次呈现a let’s talk课件或本部分教学挂图或让学生看书。

t: look at mike and his mother. they’re h**ing breakfast.

can you guess what they are talking about? (可让学生试着用汉语回答listen to the talk. try to follow the tape.

2)教师利用实物juice, bread, egg操练句子i’d like some…,please.

t: look. i h**e juice, bread and egg.

what would you like? please say: i’d like some juice,please.

师拿起果汁说句子,板书并教读句子i’d like some juice,please.,然后小组、男女生、指生读等各种操练形式操练句子,接着用bread, egg试着让学生替换练习i’d like some…,please.(师强调eggs要用复数形式)

3)游戏:passing the message传悄悄话全班每一列为一个小组进行比赛。每组的第一个学生上台从三个**中抽一个(不能让其他学生看到),然后放下**回到座位,等老师说one!

two! three! start!

学生以说悄悄话的方式把i’d like some juice\bread\eggs, please.传给下一个学生。最后一位学生去讲台找出相应的食物**并说出该句子。


3. 教学食物milk,water,cake及句型:here you are. \thanks.

1)传悄悄话游戏结束,老师拿三个刚学的食物,问最后一名学生:what would you like? 学生回答后,教师接着把其选择的食物递给该生说:

here you are.并引导学生回答:thanks.

师板书here you are. \thanks.,教读。

2)游戏:guessing game 教师拿出一个篮子让学生猜里面装有哪些食物,复习刚学的juice, bread, eggs等食物单词及句子。

t: h**e some food in the basket. guess what food is in can say, “i’d like some…,please.

”(学生猜对)if you’re right, i’ll give you the food.


t: i h**e some more food in the some milk.师教读milk,然后全班读。

t: would you like some milk? 让某一学生选择并回答i’d like some milk ,please.

师把该食物给该生并说here you are.


4)游戏:pass the basket传篮子教师先把盛食物的篮子里给某生,并说i’d

d like some juice, please.,该生从篮子里拿出相应的食物踢给老师并说here you are.教师说thanks.


5)group work: 教师安排学生根据刚才的示范利用6张**在小组内进行“传词卡游戏”,使用新句型进行简单交流。

step3 practice

1. 词汇操练拍苍蝇游戏:教师先让学生齐读上课开始贴在黑板左边的6张食物**,接着派几名学生拿着新的苍蝇拍子,听教师说i’d like some …,please.


2. 核心句型操练。

let’s play(句子接龙游戏):操作方法见课本p48.


1)t: (教师接着句子接龙游戏最后一名学生的回答)oh,you would like some…what would mike like? children,please open your books at page48, listen and circle the food.


2)学生看动画或看书中插图,教师解释h**e some bread ,too.并板书教读。

3)学生再次边看书边听录音,完成选择(食物都用**)listen and choose:

what does mike h**e for breadfast at last(最后)?

a. eggs b. cake c. bread d. water e. juice f. milk


4)学生看书模仿录音跟读对话,尽量模仿录音中的语音语调。。(listen to the talk and follow the tape)(5)学生两人一组模仿录音角色朗读对话。(read in roles)

step4 production

1. 创编对话,进行角色表演。(act in roles)


a: good morning. mum. b: good morning.

a: i’d like some milk ,please.

b: here you some bread,too.

a: thanks.

2. 文化活动:渗透中西早餐文化的异同,培养学生的国际化意识。

t: what do you h**e for breakfast every day? 你们知道我们平时吃的早餐跟西方小朋友吃的早餐一样吗?



3. 自助早餐。


t: boys and girls, let’s put the foods in two groups:drinks and foods.

what should go into the drink? juice, milk and water. what should go into the food?

bread,egg,and cake.



eg: a: good morning!

b: good morning! i’d like some milk and eggs,please. a: here you are.

b: a: bye!

step 5progress

1. summry: what h**e we learned today? 教师引导学生谈本课的收获,也可用汉语表达。

2. l et’s chant:

i’d like some juice.

i’d like some bread.

here you arehere you are.

h**e some milk,too.

h**e some eggs,too.

thanks! thanks! thanks!


3. homework:制作第二天早餐的食谱(画图或用图卡贴),下节课展示自己的食谱,看谁的食谱较营养。

t: today we talked about food. we know different foods for breadfast in china and in western countries.

今天我们一起学习了一些食物单词,还了解到中西方食物的不同。what would you like for breakfast tomorrow? please make a menu.

we will share next time.


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