
发布 2020-07-25 12:35:28 阅读 1956



一、 选出正确的汉语意思。(10分)

b )1. pilota. 科学家b. 飞行员。

b )2. coacha. 秘书b. 教练。

b )3. postmana. 渔民b. 邮递员。

a )4. businessman a. 商人b. 工人。

a )5. police officer a. 警察b. 教练。

二、 重新组成新单词补全句子。(10分)

1. my uncle is a __fishman___h, m, f, e, a r, s, n, i)

2. i want to be a __scientist___s, i, e, c, n, t, t, s, i)

3. he is a great __coach___in china. (a, o, c , h, c)

4. my grandpa is a __worker___r, o, w, k , r, e )

5. my brother is a __university___student. (s, t, y, e, n, v, r, i, u, i)

三、 单项选择我最棒。(10分)

b )1. i want toa singer __day.

a. is, oneb. be, one

b )2. -does he go to workplane?--no, by taxi!

a. onb. by

a )3. where does he

a. workb. worker

b )4. oliver’s father often goes to other

a. countryb. countries

a )5. my fathervery hard.

a. worksb. work


a )1. 你想知道朋友的妈妈是做什么的,你会问。

a. what does your mother do? b.

what’s your mother like? c. where does your mother work?

a )2. 别人问你怎么去上班,你会说。

a. i go to work by bike. b. i go to beijing. c. i go home by bike.

b )3. 你想知道朋友的爸爸是不是邮递员,你会说。

a. does your father go to work by bus? b.

is your father a postman? c. where does your father do?

a )4. 你想成为一名足球教练,你会说。

a. i want to be football coach. b.

i want to be basketball coach. c. i want to be football player.

五、 大家来找茬。 圈出句子中错误的一处,并把正确答案写在横线上。(20分)

1. she is an pilot.

a2. what do she do?

does3. she goes to hong kong by a plane.

by plane

4. he h**e a very healthy life.

has5. where does he going to work?

is六、 根据汉语提示完成句子。(12分)

1. 我的妈妈是一位校长。

my mother is a __head___teacher___

2. 我将来要成为一名商人。

i’m going __to___be___a___businessman___

3. 他在海边工作。

he works _near_ _the___sea___

4. 我想成为一名出租车司机。

i __want___to___be___a taxi driver.


singer,writing,by bus,football player,teacher)

hello. i’m chen jie. i’m from china.

my father is a __teacher___he teaches english. every day he goes to work by car. he likes __writing___he is a writer, too.

my mother likes singing. she is a __singer___she goes to work __by bus___and i like football. but i don’t want to be a __football player___i’m going to be a businesswoman

九、 按要求完成下列各题。(10分)

1. does your father go to work by car? (作肯定回答和否定回答)

_yes,he does/no, he doesn’t

2. my mother works in a school. (就画线部分提问)

__where does your mother work

3. zhou jing is a coach. she works at a gym. (英译汉)


4. 你每天怎么去上班? (汉译英)

__how do you go to work every day

5. wants, be, to, she, a , scientist (.连词成句)

___she wants to be a scientist

十、阅读对话, 回答问题。(10分)

amy: where does your mother work?

wu yifan: she works in a school.

amy: what does your mother do? a teacher or a head teacher?

wu yifan: she is a head teacher.

amy: cool! how does she go to work every day?

wu yifan: she goes to work on foot.

amy: what do you want to be? a head teacher?

wu yifan: no. i want to be a pilot. what about you?

amy: i’m going to be a scientist.

wu yifan: great!

1. what does wu yifan’s mother do?

she is a head teacher

2. where does wu yifan’s mother work?

she works in a school

3. does wu yifan’s mother go to work by bike?

___no,she goes to work on foot

4. what does wu yifan want to be?

___he wants to be a pilot

5. is amy going to be a scientist?

___yes, she is

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