
发布 2020-08-16 13:50:28 阅读 2363



听力部分 (40分)

一、 lisa is talking about her family.听录音,用阿拉伯数字给图编号。(10分)

二、lisa wants to know how they go to work.听录音连线。(10分)

a bcd三、 lisa and her friend are playing games.听录音,判断对错,对的写“t ”,错的写“f”(10分)

四、her friend is introducing her family.听录音,完成短文。(10分)

i h**e aher name is lucy. her mother is anshein a factory. her father is ahe likespeople.

he goes to work by car.


一、they are doing homework. .用下列单词的正确形式填空:(10分)

1、his father is __a ) actor. 2、my dad is aclean ) in the zoo.

3、what __do ) your father do? 4、my dad __go ) to work by bus.

5、theywork ) hard every day for us !

二、lisa doesn’t know these questions. can you help her?从右栏中找到答语,并连线。(10分)

1. who's shea. she is an actress.

2. what does she dob. no, he doesn't.

3. how does he go to hong kongc. she likes diving.

4. what's her hobbyd. she is my aunt.

5. does he work in beijinge. he goes there by plane.

三、can you do these, too?选择填空,将正确答案的序号填入括号内。(10分)

( )1. a: what does your uncle do? b

a. he is an engineer. b. he goes to work by bike.

c. he likes reading news*****s.

( )2. a: where does your father work? b

a. he likes watching tv. b. he is a worker.

c. he works in a factory.

( )3. a: do you like englishb

a. yes, i am. b. yes, i do. c. yes, i does.

)4. a: does alice like swimming? b

a. yes, i dob. yes, she does. c. no, i don' t.

)5. a: how does ann go to schoolb

a. she goes to school every day. b. she likes going to school.

c. she goes to school by bike.

四、lisa talks about her friends.完形填空。(10分)

li xiaopo is an(1heworksin a ship goes to workon fang is a nurse..she works in a(3she (4)__helpingsickpeople . she likes sports, too.

she goes towork by (5alice is a (6she works in a tv station. she likes(7)__8she usuallygoes to work by(910she goes by bus.

) doctorc. engineer

) hospitalc. factory

) likec. liking

) a bikec. bike

) reporterc. driver

) takeingc. taking

) picturec. potatoes

) subwaysc. cars

) sometimesc. often

五、lisa is introducing tom. 阅读,回答下列问题(10分)

tom is late

it’s7:30 on monday morning. it’s time for tom to go to begin at 7:

40. tom is still in his room. his mother says,“hurry,tom.

you must be quick or you’ll be late.”“mum, where is my pencil box? i can’t find it .

ican’t go to school without mypencilbox,”cries tom’s room. what a mess(混乱)!his books are lying(躺)all over the room.

his football socks are on the desk. a kite and some clothes are on his bed. tom’s mother comes to help asks tom to put his books away and tom’s pencil box is under the books on the floor.

“you must look after your things, tom,“says mrs read.

1. where are tom’s socks

2. what day is it today

3. when do classes begin at

does mrs read say at last

tom’s pencil box


要求:mrs white是个**老师,请根据图中的内容,再加上适当的想象和内容,描述一下mrs white平时的相关情况。60字左右。


2015 2016学年度第二学期六年级第五单元语文测试题。时间90分钟。亲爱的同学们,学习完了第五单元,让我们交一份满意的答卷作为礼物送给自己!细心答题 认真书写,卷面有5分哦!一 去伪存真,选择正确的字或读音,画 3分 1 头 街衔 惨残 重司空见 贯惯 2 卓 zhu zhu 有成效烟熏火燎 l...


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