六年级英语单元测试题 二

发布 2020-07-25 08:53:28 阅读 6105




) 163cmb. 196cmc. 193cm

) youngerb. strongerc. longer

) biggerb. thinnerc. longer

) tallerb. olderc. shorts

) thinnerb. he**ierc. funnier

) b. c.

) b. c.

) tallerb. shorterc. smaller

( )hotb. shortc. shorter

( )sharkb. squidc. seal


167cm 51kg12 岁10岁。


) my throat is sore. b. i’m sorryc. what’s the matter?

) i’m 34 kgb. he is 164 cm. c. he is 34kg.

) she is happyb. he’s happy. c. no, she doesn’t.

) that’s okb. not at allc. i’m fine.

) i’m sorryb. i’m fine, too. c. all right.

四、根据录音内容填写下列句子中所缺的单词, 使句子完整。 (每空只填一词)

1. you are than me.

2. how does amyshe’s

3. what’s thewith youi h**e a

4. do you h**e ano, i h**e a

5. _are you, zhang pengyou look so


)1. i get up early, because today is saturday.

)2. i feel sick. my head hurts.

)3. i’m going to the bookstore to buy a pen.

)4. i am going to see a doctor.

)5. i’m very happy, because the tv show is very funny.


) knowb. windowc. how

) summerb. sunnyc. music

) h**eb. happyc. make

) hotb. coldc. orange

) houseb. fourc. cloud


a (比较级比较级。


反义词。b 翻译词组。





)1. i am __older than you.

a. one yearb. 3cmc. 2kg

)2. i’m are 49kg. you are __than me.

a. tallerb. thinner c. stronger

)3. the rabbit’s tail is __than the monkey’s tail.

a. thinnerb. longerc. shorter

)4. my pencil is __than yours.

a. happierb. younger c. longer

)5. how big __your feet?

a. isb. arec. than

)6. —how are you, mike? you look so __

—it’s raining outside. i can’t play football.

a. sadb. excited c. happy

)7. —what’s the matter?

—my leg __

a. hurtsb. sorec. is hurts

)8. hooray! class 1 __the game.

a. winb. wonc. wins

)9. i am 158cm tall. but you are 155cm. so __

a. you are 3cm taller than me

b. i’m shorter than you

c. i’m taller than you

)10. —how __are your feet?

—i wear size 19.

a. bigb. longc. he**y


)1. how long is ita. i’m sorry to hear that.

)2. how do you feelb. it’s 163cm

)3. i failed the math testc. i’m 42kg.

)4. how tall are youd. i’m 168cm

)5. how he**y are youe. i feel sick.


1. you, today, look, happy, so

2. you, how, feel, do

3. older, one, than , i, year, am, you

4. he**y, how, are, you

5. sore, throat, is, my


1.你多大了? 我比你大两岁。

2.你多高啊? 我164cm。


4.怎么了? 我嗓子疼。


十。二、阅读理解。对的打√ 错的打×

nancy is reading an e-mail from her american friend jack. jack writes about his school and his weekend. jack’s school is not very big but it’s beautiful.

there are two buildings, two gardens and a playground. jack likes his school very much.

jack doesn’t go to school at the weekend. he often gets up at six on saturday and sunday. at eight, he begins to do his homework.

sometimes he plays computer games with his classmates on the internet. in the afternoon, he helps his mother do housework. in the evening, he listens to music or reads books.

he really has a good time at the weekend.


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