
发布 2020-08-11 13:37:28 阅读 6974


一、 给下列单词选择正确的汉语意思。15分。

)1. then a.他们 b.然后 c. 这。

)2. turn a.二 b告诉 c 转弯。

)3. west a 西 b穿 c 东。

)4. cinema a 医院 b 电影院 c.窗帘。

)5. right a.左边 b 右边 c 写。

二、 下面每组单词中,都有一个和其它不同类的,请把它的字母桔填在括号里。10分。

三、 情景交际,选择正确答案。15分。

)1. 你想向别人问路,首先应说:

a. thank you. b. excuse me. c. you’re welcome.

)2. 你想问电影院在哪儿,应说:

a. where is the cinema? b. how can i get to the cinema?

c. where is the hospital?

)3. 你想对别人说:“祝你生日快乐。”应说:

a. today is my birthday. b. thank you. c. happy birthday to you!

)4. 你想告诉别人邮局与医院相邻,应说:

a. the post office is near the hospital.

b. the post office is next to the hospital.

c. the post office is far from here.


a. excuse me . b. thank you. c. you’re welcome.


1. wherea第十二。

2. eastb银行。

3. straightc在**。

4. bankd东。

5. twelfthe 成直线地。


1.书在哪铁? where is the

2. 它在电影院隔壁。 it’sthe cinema.

3. 一直走五分钟,然后左转弯。 go___for five minutes. then __left.


can ithe science museum?

5. 我步行上学。i go to school


ais there a cinema near here?

policeman: yes

ais the cinema, please?

policeman: it’sthe hospital.

a: is it far from here?

policeman: no, it’s not

a: thank you.



1. sorry, is there a cinema near here

2. it’s next at the hospital

3. i want to buy a pair of shoe

4. how i can get to the hospital

5. go straight five minutes, then turn left


chen: what are you going to do after school?

mike: i want to buy a pair of shoes. where is the shoe store?

chen: it’s next to the hospital.

mike: how can i get to the hospital?

chen: you can go by the no. 301bus. get off at the cinema. then walk straight

for three minutes. the hospital is on the left.

mike: thank you.

chen: you are welcome.

1. walk straight for three minutes to the hospital.

2. get on the no.301 bus .

3. get off at the cinema.

4. go next to the shoe store.

PEP 小学六年级英语 上册第二单元测试题

总分 100分时间 45分钟。一 根据意思选出正确的单词。5分 1.医院a.horse b.house c.hospital 2.鞋店a.shoe store b.bookstore c.bus stop 3.东a.westb.eastc.left 4.南 a.northb.south c.mout...


根据提示补全单词,并在括号里写出汉意1.l ve2.n th 3.ast4.w st 5.s th6.c n d 7.am r ca8.ngl nd 9.tt wa 10.s n franc sco 11.cl ss12.f vor t 13.d ffic lt 14.m th 15.bas etb...


八道河总校张秀莲。卷首语 亲爱的同学们,通过学习这单元的知识,相信你一定会有更多的收获吧!快来学习乐园看一看,展现你魅力的时刻开始了,祝你成功!一 热爱读书的小博士,请你选一选划线部分读音不同的单词吧!5 1.a.get b.very c.green d seven 2.a.cat b.bag c....